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yeah so now that i know how to make custom windows for computers that are not supose to have windows i needed a new project... I couldnt think of anything so I thought of way to improve my window.. I have seen some really awesome designs on some of the cases that i have seen at some of the lan parties I have attended... Mostly for clans and the generic bio hazard signs... Since I dont belong to a lan clan I dont have a logo to engrave on my window... :cry: But I do have a favorite site... TESTMY.NET... So I designed a graphic on paint shop pro then began etching it into the lexan. I am just about finished... I have a little more work but I will post some of the pics that I have so far... I think it turned out really well for my first attempt.. Who knows we might have some new members... :lol:


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That would be cool... I will see if i can get some free cases or some really cheap ones, antec, and then see what we can do... :wink:


I was checking my computer flyer mail box and found this case...

http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=506067&Sku=S450-4010&CatId=1509 $39.99 not to bad... I might go and look at it some time this week... could be interesting for a mod project..

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