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sorry for another post but it seems like i have another problem here.  when i hook up my external hard drive by usb to the computer it seems to work fine. but its when i restart the computer i get an  Error Finding OS.  when i turn off the external hard drive and restart the computer it restarts just fine.  this is a new computer  HP one day old. any ideas or suggestions?  i checked the usb ports and it does it with them all. its a Seagate 120 GIG External Hard Drive  which by the way works fine on my other HP desktop.

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To get to the BIOS you usually press esc or delete (it can vary) when your computer first starts up. Press it when you see the first boot-up screen. It will have a lot of text and maybe checking/counting the RAM (memory), or you may see a manufactures logo.

Once you are in the BIOS set-up screen, look for a section that lets you configure which order the devices boot up.

You may not be able to boot from a USB device. If not you will either need to have the OS on an internal hard driuve or you will need to create a start-up disk.

I'd recommend having Windows on an internal drive anyway, since they're usually faster.

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