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pssh... ive got an old hunka junk here... im using it right now! :wink: lol but my other cpu's seriously old... like mid 90's **shudders** and my parents want to just throw it out... im thinkin i should take a page outta this dudes book- http://www.burstfilms.com/index.php?page=videos its the only movie on the page; shouldnt be hard for u guys to find it :wink:

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:) OMG I had forgotten about commodore.....like that nice commodore 64 I had.....but the one I liked was pre-computer was a silent 700 made by Texas Instrument(Radio Shack) the good old days.....LOL B.S. In my opinion there was no such thing I like whats happening now with puters:):)

8) Microwave

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  • 10 months later...

only thing i buy at Radio Shack now, is cat-5 cable and  crimp ends, coz i can get it by the foot there, withouth having to travel to the next town 22 miles north of me, it's local. I have been known to eyeball some of the monster sized RC's they always have on display, but i've never bought one.

I'm kinda old, and my FONDEST memory of RadioShack, was the day I spent my entire summers savings, from delivering news papers, a whopping $168 dollars, on my Atari 2600, i was upgrading from my pong paddles, which i still have, Pong, Tennis, and Tanks, these paddles still work.

WOOOT i cannOT believe i spent that much on a 2600, YARS REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!


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Hey Swimmer:

first, thanx for that link, it got me up and going great with the Palm !!!

yeah i found this one too in amongst tons of crap pc stuff people give me, i have a LOT of friends with pc's, and im the fixit guy, so they give me tons of sh!t that either doesn't work, has been upgraded, or they THINK it don't work.

someone apparently left this with me, coz i never bought one. After getting it updated, and with some games on it, i've decided my 11 year old nephew would think it's leet, and he does, he loves it.

SO swimmer: does it have a browser??? i know it obtains an ip n stuff when i connect it to my network... it's got an IR beam too, dunno, im assuming it can surf text.

thanx and yeah folx HERE's MY FIND!!!!! pays off to collect others PC trash.

oh, i used a scanner for this image, wish i could FIND a digi cam, that will prbly happen soon, i've found projectors before.

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SO swimmer: does it have a browser??? i know it obtains an ip n stuff when i connect it to my network... it's got an IR beam too, dunno, im assuming it can surf text.

I highly doubt that 3.0 has a browser.. i have seen some 3.5 browsers.. but that is it..

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