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Windows Won't Start Up

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Guest PeePs

Ok, so last night  I was using the computer and it seemed overall fine, except it  seemed a tad bit slower and for a little while i heard a wierd tickign noise from inside the case. Every second there was a little tick, but after like 3 minutes it stopped doing that. So anyways, when i was done last night i just left the computer on like i usually do and went to bed. Next day my brother said the computer wouldnt start up, so i guess somehow it crashed during hte night and now it won't start.

When i press the power on button it flashes along with all the CD drives, then it proceeds as normal to the company start-up screen, in this case its HP. After that it gives me the choices of which way to boot up (Safe mode, normal, last good config...... etc). I have tried them all and none work. When i try safe mode it just goes to a black screen and then reloads up. If i do normal then it goes to the Windows XP loading screen with the bar that scrolls across, but it only stays on it for like 1 second and then it flashes a blue screen with text for like 1 second and starts to reload. I can't read the text on the blue screen because it flashes too fast, but it looks like it has like hardware address numbers and crap. (ex. Hx0921xE00000000000000110) Something kinda like that..... i think.

Is this like a virus or some major error on the hard drive? And would it work if i purchased a new HD and installed windows on it and then made the current one a slave drive so i can get the files off of it?

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Guest PeePs

I don't have a windows disk, but i have recovery CD's so do you think those would work? There are like 10 of them though, so i dont really know which one would have windows on it  :cry:.

Oh, and if i put another hard drive in there along with the current one and then installed windows on the new HD would i be able to  save my files that are on the old hard drive if i made it a slave?

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I don't think the recovery disk will work these are usually a ghost disk that you can't access.If you use it it will reinstall & you will lose the data.

I don't have XP so I don't know if it has a way to do the START UP disk.You can probably make a start up disk on the new HD that will work on the old HD if you don't have one.

On my OS you go to control panel/add/remove programs/start up disk/create disk .once you have the disk shut down your PC put in the disk & start your PC.I would try scanreg /restore first. If XP doesn't have this feature then someone can post that info.This is your best solution to getting back in unless you can borrow an original windows XP disk then try CRE8OR's solution first.

Whether you could access the files on the old HD with a new one someone that knows a lot more than I do will have to let you know.I doubt if you can without being able to access windows.

You can put a new drive in and should be able to access the files on the old drive.  When you get into the machine, you will see a cable connected to the hard drive.  You will need to disconnect the old drive from the cable and put it on the new drive, then, depending on the config. of your machine, change the jumper setting on the old drive to  slave and connect it to the other connector on that cable.  If you have another cable feeding the cd-rom (many configs are done this way) you can put it on the second connector on that cable instead.  You can use cable select (CS) instead of slave for the hard drive jumper on the old drive, but I've had issues using CS in the past.  File copying and moving will be faster with the drives on different cables (Controllers)......     

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cre8or:  Yeah, I wouldn't give up the original installation yet. 

Peeps:  What model of computer do you have?  You might be able to boot from the recovery cd to get to the recovery console (command prompt). If you can get there, you can use the system restore to go back to when it was running ok. 

The recovery disk shouldn't just automatically re-install without giving you the option to cancel the re-installation.  My guess is the original problem could be a piece of hardware that has gone bad or just a faulty driver/start up program.  Have you updated or installed software and/or drivers lately? 

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It seems to me that every once in a while (every three years?) one of my computers seems to get pissed and do something like this.  The solution I've found to work the best, although even though my problem seem to be like yours, they may not be, is to turn off the computer, unplug it and such, then remove your CMOS battery, let it sit for a few minutes, probably ten, then replace it and go into your bios.  Reset the clock and such and all that good stuff and then try to boot windows.  Recently this same sort of problem (the computer would start but wouldn't boot and just then restart, and also getting weird hard drive noises) happened to a friend's computer and the above solution fixed the problem, although it took a while to find the damn battrey because it was hiding.  Also, those batteries, over time, seem to just plain wear out, which, in turn, could create some problems.


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From the looks of that message I would say it's time for a new HD. :cry:

Yeah, especially if you can't get the recovery console to load.  XP is having trouble either with the boot.ini file or the hard drive.  I saw one reference to a possible virus issue as well.  Resetting cmos, as Bones suggested, may work if the hard drive spec. got changed somehow.   

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Guest PeePs

Ok, so i made the boot floppies and i get to Windows Setup and press "R" like it said on this page


Then it said to insert floppy 2 and i did, but i got this error.

"File ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded.

Error code is 7

Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"

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That message is indicative of a problem with bios settings (CMOS) or a memory chip issue.  Reset your cmos to default settings and make sure your hard drives are set to auto.  There should be an option somewhere in the CMOS set up screens to reset to default settings or follow bones instructions.  See link below for more information....


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Guest PeePs

I reset my BIOS to default and that still didnt help.


When you are loading the first floppy at anytime at the bottom of the screen does it say "Press F6 to load SCSI drivers...or something like that...If it does hit F7 real fast and that will stop it from loading the ACPI from the BIOS that may work.

Good Luck.....I know what you are going through.

Yes, it does say hit F6 to install SCSI drivers and something else, and i tried hitting F7 while it loaded the first disk but i still got the same error  :cry:. I might have to try what bones says where i remove the CMOS battery. I know most of the parts of computers, but ive never really built one myself or anything. Is the CMOS battery a circular battery on the MB. Like maybe the size of a nickle?

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Did your sound going funny coincide with the ram addition?  RAM chips do go bad, especially if they are inexpensive.  You could try and take out the added ram and boot up to see if thats causing the problem.  While you have it out, take a clean cotton cloth and rub the gold, or silver cotacts on the edge.  These, especially the silver (lead) contacts can corrode over time.  I have a server that periodically develops memory issues because of this. 

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Guest PeePs
Did your sound going funny coincide with the ram addition?  RAM chips do go bad, especially if they are inexpensive.  You could try and take out the added ram and boot up to see if thats causing the problem.  While you have it out, take a clean cotton cloth and rub the gold, or silver cotacts on the edge.  These, especially the silver (lead) contacts can corrode over time.  I have a server that periodically develops memory issues because of this.

My sound actually went bad after a reformatation / new power supply and video card. This Christmas I got a new power supply and video card installed for me, and i figured i might as well send it to the computer shop all nice and reformated so i did a reformate right before the computer was brought to the shop for the new hardware. I didnt really notice the sound problem right after that new hardware was installed, but it was probably 2 weeks after that that i started noticing the sound fading in and out of 1 speaker.

I tried something on the HP site, but i still got the Unmoutable_boot_volume.

Here is what it was http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&cc=us&docname=c00048490&product=364171&dlc=en&lang=en

I don't understand how i can get the error if im sapposedly booting from the CD.....

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Whats happening is that at a low level (in the boot.ini file, there are references that tell the operating system which controller, what position on the controller, and what partition is the actual boot drive.  When the loader is trying to "mount" the drive so that the boot can occur, this is where the problem is occurring.  Something is happening that precludes the mounting of your c: drive for booting, in essence.  Did you try removing the chip then booting?  Battery most likely is circular and silver on the motherboard. 

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