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Give this a try if you want.  I'm rethinking the floppy and its a quick test.  If you want, unhook the floppy drive, then shut down and start your machine up without the floppy attached to see if that might be the problem driver.  Also, may want to recheck the system logs to see if the fix fixed the reporting problem for the hardware error there.

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Sound tasty.  :D  Did a bit a barbeque here today!  Happy Fourth of July!

Here are the errors:


Product: Windows Operating System

ID: 26

Source: Application Popup

Version: 5.2


Message: Application popup: %1 : %2



The program could not load a driver because the program user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the drive is missing or corrupt.


User Action

To correct this problem:

Ensure that the program user has sufficient privileges to access the directory in which the driver is installed.

Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the correct location.

If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support Services.



Version: 5.0

Symbolic Name: status_log_hard_error

Message: Unable to Load Device Driver : device driver could not be loaded.



The program could not load a driver because the program user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the drive is missing or corrupt.


User Action

To correct this problem:

Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the correct location.

If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support Services.

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No I used to watch that show!! Only one security issue each day and that is at the end of the day. I have something to try, yak at you tomorrow :wave: :wave:

Back like a bad breakfast burrito!    :haha: :haha:  I had a thought, yeah, I know, rare thing nowadays...... :whaa::haha: Reboot and hit the F8 key, then use the 'boot logging' selection.  Since it's happening before the main interface (Explorer) comes up, we might luck out and get an entry in that log. 

Excerpt from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/reskit/en-us/Default.asp?url=/resources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/reskit/en-us/prmc_str_xhtz.asp

Boot Logging

Boot logging lists the files that successfully and unsuccessfully processed during startup. Boot logging enables you to log the Windows XP Professional components that are processed when you start your computer in safe mode and also in normal mode. By comparing the differences between the two logs, you can determine which components are not required to start.

You can enable boot logging by using either of these methods:

    * Edit the Boot.ini file as described in "Reviewing and Correcting Boot.ini Settings on x86-based Systems" later in this chapter. Add the /bootlog parameter, save the revised Boot.ini, and restart the computer. For more information about the /bootlog parameter, see Table 28.18 later in this chapter.

    * Restart the computer and press F8 when prompted. On the Windows Advanced Options menu, select Enable Boot Logging.

Windows XP Professional records in a log, windirNtbtlog.txt, the name and path of each file that runs during startup. The log marks each file as successful (Loaded driver) or unsuccessful (Did not load driver). Boot logging appends entries to Ntbtlog.txt when you start your system in safe mode. Comparing normal mode and safe mode entries enables you to determine which services run in normal mode only. The following lines are sample Ntbtlog.txt entries:

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSflpydisk.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSflpydisk.SYS

If you cannot start your computer in normal mode, start it in safe mode. For the services that run only in normal mode, disable those services one at a time, trying to restart your computer in normal mode after you disable each service. Continue to individually disable services until your computer starts in normal mode.


Go ahead and post the log after your machine is fully booted.  It should be in your windows directory named ntbtlog.txt. 

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Hey Dude :D :D I think I may have something here :!: I just now noticed that in my system event log that EVERYTIME the error is logged the VERY NEXT entry is.(redbook).....I will post it here. I mean every time. The only security failures are the IpSec thing( I was wrong last night, this entry was random, not at final shutdown) I think I posted it before but it has not come back at all since Sat night at 7:39 PM. And not once yesterday since I did the "fix" I haven't even checked the ntlog, will do that next. I am sooooo tired I'm seeing double. I'm not usually very functional after lying awake till after 1:30 AM listening to the TET offensive out in the street :!: :!:

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Hey Dude :D :D I think I may have something here :!: I just now noticed that in my system event log that EVERYTIME the error is logged the VERY NEXT entry is.(redbook).....I will post it here. I mean every time. The only security failures are the IpSec thing( I was wrong last night, this entry was random, not at final shutdown) I think I posted it before but it has not come back at all since Sat night at 7:39 PM. And not once yesterday since I did the "fix" I haven't even checked the ntlog, will do that next. I am sooooo tired I'm seeing double. I'm not usually very functional after lying awake till after 1:30 AM listening to the TET offensive out in the street :!: :!:

:haha: :haha: :cry:  I live so far out in the boonies I just hear a rumble off in the distance....... 

Try this first:  Taken from link below: 

Open My Computer | Right click CD/DVD drive |

Hardware tab | Highlight CD/DVD drive | Properties button |

Properties tab |

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Got your PM, I'll try here first. I had digital encoding and digital output enabled in my Soundstorm properties ie: the default nvidia 5.1 sound system that comes with the mobo. It did not help :!: I had my hopes up there for a minute or two, well here goes, this goes on and on and on, Oh sorry  :haha:

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Was this booting to safe mode or normal boot up and did you try the cd-rom qucik fixes yet?  Still perusing the log.....

This was your most recent bootup.  Rest is prior sessions.....

Service Pack 2 7  5 2005 17:31:39.500

Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32ntoskrnl.exe

Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32hal.dll

Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32KDCOM.DLL

Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32BOOTVID.dll

Loaded driver ACPI.sys


Loaded driver pci.sys

Loaded driver isapnp.sys

Loaded driver ohci1394.sys

Loaded driver WINDOWSSystem32DRIVERS1394BUS.SYS

Loaded driver pciide.sys


Loaded driver viaide.sys

Loaded driver MountMgr.sys

Loaded driver ftdisk.sys

Loaded driver dmload.sys

Loaded driver dmio.sys

Loaded driver PartMgr.sys

Loaded driver sfsync02.sys

Loaded driver VolSnap.sys

Loaded driver atapi.sys

Loaded driver disk.sys


Loaded driver fltmgr.sys

Loaded driver sr.sys

Loaded driver KSecDD.sys

Loaded driver Ntfs.sys

Loaded driver NDIS.sys

Loaded driver sfhlp02.sys

Loaded driver sfdrv01.sys

Loaded driver nv_agp.sys

Loaded driver Mup.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSamdk7.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbohci.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbehci.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSNVENET.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversnvax.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSimapi.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERScdrom.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSredbook.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversincdrm.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSInCDPass.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSnv4_mini.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSfdc.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSserial.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSserenum.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSparport.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSi8042prt.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSkbdclass.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSaudstub.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrasl2tp.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSndistapi.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSndiswan.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspppoe.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspptp.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmsgpc.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSpsched.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSptilink.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspti.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSrdpdr.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERStermdd.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmouclass.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSswenum.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSupdate.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmssmbios.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNDProxy.SYS

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNDProxy.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbhub.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversnvapu.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSflpydisk.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32Driverslbrtfdc.SYS

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSsfloppy.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32Driversi2omgmt.SYS

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversChanger.SYS

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversCdaudio.SYS  Samsung CD-rom Driver

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversFs_Rec.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNull.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversBeep.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversvga.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversmnmdd.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSRDPCDD.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversInCDfs.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversInCDrec.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversMsfs.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNpfs.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrasacd.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSipsec.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERStcpip.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSnetbt.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32vsdatant.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversws2ifsl.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversafd.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSnetbios.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSprocessr.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversPCIDump.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrdbss.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxsmb.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSipnat.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSwanarp.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversFips.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSusbprint.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversLHidUsb.Sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSLHidFlt2.Sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmouhid.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSLMouFlt2.Sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversCdfs.SYS

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrdbss.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxsmb.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxdav.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversParVdm.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSsrv.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverswdmaud.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverssysaudio.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverssplitter.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversaec.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversswmidi.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversDMusic.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverskmixer.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversdrmkaud.sys

Did not load driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSipnat.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversHTTP.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSNaiFiltr.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversFastfat.SYS

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverskmixer.sys

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverskmixer.sys

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This is normal boot. Yes I did the ditty that you wrote earlier and unchecked the digital option before I went into Soundstorm

Thing that gets me is that it specifically says the optical drives. Might want to check the manufacturers websites and see if they have updated drivers.  I need to sign off for now but if  you open the hood and disconnect the cd-rom drive then start the machine back up it will cause XP to automatically disable the driver which would rule it out or in as the culprit.  Take care and get some sleep!  :wave: :wave: :icon_salut:

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1004 buddy. I will disconnect cable as soon as I get home from work. BTW which is always about 4:00PM my time. Of course I have to clean out the kitty litter box  :cry: and clean out my spam, etc,etc.Ya, optical drives, interesting thought, I installed this combo on 5/28, then installed updated programs for both parts ie: Nero and Power DVD(Nero on the 4th of June) so all of this was done prior to the error on the 11th of June. But maybe I did something to "upset" these drivers when I did the "stupid" and tried to "end task" with the lsass.exe. Ya know, those guys at Silent Hunter III should know better than to tell ANYBODY with any XP OS to "end process" on EVERYTHING except sys.tray and explorer.exe. What's worse, I know better but they are the "tech" guys right? Next time I'll go with some instincts and if I have any questions I'll be on this forum like stink on........Anyhow, you'll probably read this before I sign on. Cheers

BTW I forgot to tell you that the thing I was going to try last night was to re-enable my fldisk controller in my bios. I enabled it and/ no results. I had disabled it because even if you don't have one in your puter, it will still be listed in your "Device Manager" so by disabling it it doesn't show up at all. :icon_thumright:

Yeah, generally if I go against my instinct, I get creamed.... :cry:.  Tech support is only as good as the cue cards they are given to read from  :haha: :haha:  Good idea with the floppy controller...  It still could be the attempted install of silent hunter damaged one of the drivers or dlls for nero or power DVD.  May want to try disconnect/reconnect test and if it doesn't work, reinstall the nero and power DVD programs, hopefully overwriting or putting back the missing or corrupted file.  I'm fighting a bug on a coworkers machine, so I'll be in and out till about 10:30 or so, my time (Eastern.... way eastern..... :))

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Hey Dude. Well the fdisk controller wasn't it :cry: Nor was disconnecting the combo  :cry: :cry: That one I can't beleive. I almost thought that might be it cause of the "redbook" error that was coming right after the popup error. Now today the popup came up but the redbook did not. One thing I can't understand is, since when does MS have an error popup that restarts your puter if you click on it too soon :?: I've never heard of any "default" error that would do that....... Anyhow, I'll redo the drivers for both programs now, stay tuned,,,

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did you get a driver disk with the cd-rom drive (Hardware Drivers for the cd-rom itself)?  And you mentioned combo.  Is it a combination cd-rom drive and floppy drive in 1 51/4' slot?  What do you mean by combo in your post a few times ago? 

Sound like it doesn't like to be interrupted.  When it happens again, do ctrl+alt+delete and watch the processes and note which have activity with the cpu for a minute or so, then click ok (Edit:on the error message window) and try to catch what process ends or has the most activity prior to shutdown. 

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Sorry it took so long. Well Power DVD and Nero are not the culprits  :cry: :cry: I also had to reply to MS and give them the bad news about the "repair". And I just noticed that My Java Runtime stuff is HUGE. over 250MB's :!: :!: One is a huge update and I just don't think I need all that so I'm going to send them up into cyberspace. I can always download the basic program from Sun Microsystems for free anytime right from Broadband Reports.com You have to have it on that site if you want to ckeck your speed.

Oops I just saw your entry in my email- I'd better post and read

Did you run Trojan Hunter?  May want to give it a shot, just in case.  http://www.misec.net/trojanhunter/

Download and update the defs when it prompt you to......

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