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Ok...I use my playstation for online gaming and lately i've been "lagging" not sure if your famliar with that but its when move choppy or something of the sort...kinda hard to explain, but about a month ago this happened, and i used to have one of the best connections, always using me to make rooms or be host, but now its like my connection has slowed down, usually when i turn off my router and modem for couple mins speeds go back up, i was wondering if its my modem being left on for so long or my router. its a linksys wireless g 4 port router, and nothing besides my ps2 is hardwired, desktop and laptop are both wireless, me being on computer never made it do this, but my brother has come home from college and is always online, but any tips or suggestions?

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Ok...I use my playstation for online gaming and lately i've been "lagging" not sure if your famliar with that but its when move choppy or something of the sort...kinda hard to explain, but about a month ago this happened, and i used to have one of the best connections, always using me to make rooms or be host, but now its like my connection has slowed down, usually when i turn off my router and modem for couple mins speeds go back up, i was wondering if its my modem being left on for so long or my router. its a linksys wireless g 4 port router, and nothing besides my ps2 is hardwired, desktop and laptop are both wireless, me being on computer never made it do this, but my brother has come home from college and is always online, but any tips or suggestions?

Your brothers machine, if its always online, will be using some of your bandwidth so it will slow you down a bit.  Did it start being a problem when he first came home or was the problem there already?  Are your wireless machines running the same as before or have they slowed down as well?

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well it started when he came home from college.......and usually his laptop is always online, and when im home the desktop is on...so both are wireless and running at the same time...but i'll try everyones solutions and get back....

If he has any P2P's running they will use a lot of bandwidth. IM's can sometimes use bandwidth.

If your brother is using a wirless b card to connect to the g router, I've heard that can also slow down your speed for compatibility.

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yea he usually does have some p2p running and is on sometype of messenger always....but I noticed one night my router was working really hard and none of my computers were online. neither was the ps2...so I went back and enabled the wep, seems to be working better now...havent had to turn anything off lately

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If your wireless router is not secure it's very easy for someone close by to just connect to your network. I recommend keeping your network secure not just because it will keep people from stealing your bandwidth, but also let's say they illegally are downloading files or cracking/DoS-ing a website. Those "events" are traced back to your IP address, so you could possibly get in trouble.

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