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When you are using bittorrent clients yes people are able to see your ip. The tracker you are connected to also records all the ips  that connect to it on a list. There isn't really a way to hide you ip as far as I know, what you can do is use some sort of proxy so your internet is re-routed through a different ip. This way your ip will show up as something different than your real ip. As for safety your best bet is to use private trackers that make you register, they are less likely to be RIAA of MPAA monitored.

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Well if you really wanted to "hide" your ip address maybe you could setup your own DNS Server...

A DNS server wouldn't hide your ip address. DNS servers just translate  domain names that you type into your browser into  ip addreses.

As other's have posted, a proxy server is probably your best choice.

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If you want to hide your IP address for everything you do online http://findnot.com is what you want it will absolutely keep you anonymous for everthing you do online file transfers, IRC, FTP logins web surfing ect ect, and it's secure much more secure than using a rouge proxy which could be a honeypot setup by the government or a hackerpot setup by hackers to get ip's to hack at a later date. for 7 bucks a month findnot is well worth it if hiding your true ip, and data from others is important to you.

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It really isn't neccesary to pay to be hidden, here is a site that wil tell you all you need to know to be anonymous. Also has a hourly updated list of (Elite) proxies. Elite means high anonymity they do not forward any of your information. Which most proxies do even though they say they are anonymous. I always and behind at least 1 (elite) proxy  and if you try a few out you will find 1 that won't slow your surfing down noticeably :)


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