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The Daylight Saving Time  bill has been  passed  so they will be  4 more  weeks of daylight.  If  you have a computer, VCR, or DVD player /recorder      make sure you have it updated once the download comes out.  At  2 am  Sunday March 11th,2007    all computers  will be locked up  and it will be the whole  Y2K mess  where  you have to manually  change the time  .



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Oooo... our clocks will be an hour off... we're all gonna die!

Seriously though... it's not that major... and where did you get the computers locking up part?

This guy is a bit more accurate...

A fax machine might stamp the wrong time for four weeks, but "Do I care? Not really," he said.

The server  that the time change works on  needs to be patched  before March 11,2007  or it will lock up  from changing time automatically  until the usual  April-October  time period.  Many ppl  was  deciding  to eliminate  DST  by having Standard Time  run  from  as early  as  4:37 am on June 21st  to  about 3:30 pm about January or February.  So  if  you have kids  ,  the kids  will go to school earlier    maybe like  6 am    and then  when  they come  home,  it will be dark.

The server that the time change works on needs to be patched before March 11,2007 or it will lock up from changing time automatically until the usual April-October time period. Many ppl was deciding to eliminate DST by having Standard Time run from as early as 4:37 am on June 21st to about 3:30 pm about January or February. So if you have kids , the kids will go to school earlier maybe like 6 am and then when they come home, it will be dark.

I still don't see where this server locking up is coming from... what does the server's time being an hour off have anything to do with it locking up?

  B.S. The first post is trying to make it sound like this will end the world lol. Just like people did with 2k lol. I didn't see anything happen in 2K and nothing will happen here either more than likily. And about the server thing etc no your pc's won't lock up and neither will server's. But your time on them might be off. Witch may cause like your virus definations not being up to date by a day or something that is all. LIke I said B.S.

not only do i not know where his server locking up comes from, i do not even know what server he is talking about!

my electronics receive their time updates about 1 every few months from a flesh and bones server, me. my vcr doesn't log onto any server to get it's time.


Guest helloimtim

Hmm besides the COMPUTERS, how is everyone going to react to it?

I myself while in a great deal of panic just finished running around my house screaming oh my goodness now what do I do. I at the time was pulling my hair and in tears because of this. I am so upset. All kidding aside you gotta bet there will be some all freaked out about the compuers and the net. The sky is falling type of thing. Time will tell I reckon.........

man, you guys are livin in the stone age...I'm way ahead of you all!! :booty:

Check out my computer, look how smart it is, it already knew that that date was coming and it automatically reset itself...ha!

considering time is a measurement, not something tangible, who really cares.

My BIGGEST question, is when did central servers control my VCR?  mind u, im thinking of the contrapment that plays my "BetaMax" tapes, or my "VHS" tapes.

[me=tennesseeme]thinks of the comcast box plugged into his tv, considers on demand...[/me]

yeah, there is a central server controlling my VCR


this kid is hillarious...........

wtf are you thinking man?  MY DVD PLAYER WILL NTO WORK BECUASE THE TIME IS OFF, ARE YOU f***ING SERIOUS MAN? jesus..........before you post dumb sh*t like that.....sit back and think of what you are going to say......dont just throw it out there like a frickin <snip>....GOSH

this kid is hillarious...........

wtf are you thinking man?  MY DVD PLAYER WILL NTO WORK BECUASE THE TIME IS OFF, ARE YOU f***ING SERIOUS MAN? jesus..........before you post dumb sh*t like that.....sit back and think of what you are going to say......dont just throw it out there like a frickin<snip>....GOSH

:haha:  yep that's right. now i don't have to type anything like that.  :lol:

only issue i've had with computers and time, is when the bios clock resets coz of bad bios battery, or bios battery gets disconnected/reconnected. Then The bios for some reason reverts back to 1987, and the bios info and the mobo are like, 2000 or something, then it has a time/date conflict, easy fix, go into bios, set time for pc, FIXED.

what im not understanding, is why people sit and wait to download something to fix the problem, when u can take TWO seconds out of your time and just manually set the time/date. Maybe i should write a batch code to send out to fix that NOW, and charge hundreds for it just a few months before the change over..

it'll just reset the time on the clock when executed, instead of doing it manually.

holy heck.

I have been reading about this and most are compairing this to Y2k for some reason.. just think about it... All of the critical system in the world that are going to need to be patched.. much less the ones that are so old and still running.. Trying to find someone to fix those.. Maybe this is the president's plan to restart the tech sector and create another tech boom..

I am not taking about dvd players not work.. i am talking about financial instution's computer being screwed up because some legacy computers are an hour ahead and the newer stuff is an hour behind.. that could be a bit of a problem..

Or even better.. the stock market.. i cant imagine that all of the server, data storage and other IT infrastructure is running one something that is fairly new.. so if you have someone place a buy order and it comes on one of those legacy systems.. it places the buy order an hour in the future.. hmmm.. just a little problem..  :roll:

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