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Diffrent windows fix??

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Guest helloimtim


When the right click on my computer got slow awhile back and after some surfing and looking for information I stumbled upon this. For What ever reason it did make my desktop in both xp and 2000 pro faster. I did not reboot or anything. Just installed this. There is no explanation on this link. I offer go promises what it may do to your computer. All I can say it sure helped my some. So use at your own risk!  Maybey someone smarter than me can offer there thoughts or better information than I can. Really helpd the right click on my desktop.

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this looks fishy to the extreme.


hm, looks harmless after all, but also pointles

the link given is to install the update for IE 4.0, which is not supported by MS no more.



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Guest helloimtim

I would hope everyone that has seen me post in the past would know. I will NEVER give out a link to something I have never tried myself and used. In fact this little fix from the above link I have been useing for about 7 or 8 months. Im a Freak when it comes to spyware scans and virus scans. Even do it in safe mode. I just can not stress this enough. I have No clue why it installing this on xp with sp2 and windows 2000 pro not only made my right click faster but kinda made programs open faster to. As well I am a Freak when it comes to keeping garbage off my desktop and Keeping my disk defraged .  Guess when it comes to my computer Im a neat freak. I just installed this. Closed my browser and tried my right click again. Thats when I noticed the diffrence. So While It never messed up my computer. In fact it helped. I make no promisses to what it may do to yours.

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the only weird thing is that according to the documentation provided it does /nothing/ for you unless you're running ie 4. and since you say you're running 2k and xp, i kind of doubt that.

maybe it's like penicillin discovered accidently but very effective  :haha::-P:evil6:

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