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Dang, CA3LE, Troll, Smores, and the rest of ya, the forum is DEAD. Big time, whats the matter going on? Are you gonna talk or am I gonna have to show you my ass? :booty::booty: Alright, it was Jimmy the hat. LOL I love Family Guy. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Season 3 DVD comming out in a couple days get ready. :D:D

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:) Shug,

We are all wating 4u to get it started....lol....... but where have you been,there have been post.Its possible everyones doimg research on a question that was asked......"Where does the light go when it goes out" ???

maybe u no the answer.......lol

8) Microwave

Hell CA3LE thats understandable, although i dont imagine your ever not busy. Microwave how the heck did I forget your name, and VANBUREN in the top of my post. Ive been putting in about 50 hours a week at work plus I spend all the time I can with my wife and daughter so that eats my time up. I just dont feel complete if I dont stop in here and see you guys.... Dare I say it?....No.. I cant its to corny... well... maybe... NO I CANT... NOOOO.... YOU COMPLETE ME..BAAAHHHH I said it. :lol: Anywho I been making that money so the wife has something to do while I am at work ( see shopping in the dictionary).

To get off topic a bit, I have been lookin to buy a new big screen tv (anyone here interested in a Hitachi Ultravision 65" HD with built in upconverter?) Its only about 10 months old but im pretty sure im gonna have to murder someone if I dont get a DLP tv. Anyone here have one? I want it. If you got one tell me what you think of it.

Forums not dead!

I have been busy... Then my DirecWay connection was fuxored for a while. 50 hour weeks with school and work... The days are just too damn short. Not like I'm missed :cry: I'm just "and the rest of ya" :(

:lol::lol: Your full of shiznit, I was in a hurry you know better, everyone knows who all i meant.

*drowns Shug in an extra-extra-extra large adult sized glass*

It was hard to find a glass big enough to fit you plus your ass into it, so treasure every moment in it... while you're drowning. :twisted:

:lol::lol::lol: What the heck is that all about? Anyway I agree this is the only forum for me. :D

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