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it's complete bs.

it's theoretically possible, but the bandwidth you can modulate onto a single power line is fairly small. the modulation takes place at the transformer substation. consider that you have upwards of a few hundred households hooked into a substation, and therefore hundreds of potentioal users sharing a few megabits the end result is a trickle.not really worth doing. i would be surprised if someone would actually set up a major field test without doing this math and comparing it to dsl and cable.

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myriagon. your link doesn't even have a blurb about the speed. meaning they still havent gotten above a few mbps, otherwise they would be yelling about it. and splitting a few mbps with a few hundred that all want it because there is no dsl/cable, thanks, i'll stick to dialup.

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yeah.It is cool.....hopefully it will get through all the wrinkles and be something good, if you read the article it says that they introducing it to houston first and then see what happens, it does have it's drawbacks but it sounds like they are figuring it out.

It could end up being more than just an alternative.

Yeah resopalrabotnick, but you are a troll

They do say Broadband though, and that will be better than dial-up any day.

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look, it's simple math. under optimum conditions there is only so much high freq stuff you can put on a powerline, especially since you need to keep the amplitudes low to not mess with the real thing being transmitted, the ac current. so you've got these big clunky cables strung in a fashion that pays no attention whatsoever to signal degradation in anything approaching a high freq spectrum. i will give the benefit of the doubt and grant that they can use the different phased lines for parallel transmission. now you've got lines running parallel carrying a high freq signal with no mechanism in place that provides any kind of shielding between them. brilliant! oh, no, wait, that's idiotic. one transformer station serves lots of households, all of which receive the signal. so far so good. you can do ip transmission even, fine, so the neighbor doesnt get to see my pr0n downloads. ok. you've got this sexy modulator in the transformer taking care of transmission. then every hookup has a quote inexpensive device installed that also has to send data on this morass of high freq noise. sorry, but that;s just not gonna happen in any fashion. not to mention the article about the radio interference the fcc is atm not worried about because by then they are sure there will be newertechnologies to avoid that. mwahahahahahahaha NOT!

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look, it's simple math. under optimum conditions there is only so much high freq stuff you can put on a powerline, especially since you need to keep the amplitudes low to not mess with the real thing being transmitted, the ac current. so you've got these big clunky cables strung in a fashion that pays no attention whatsoever to signal degradation in anything approaching a high freq spectrum. i will give the benefit of the doubt and grant that they can use the different phased lines for parallel transmission. now you've got lines running parallel carrying a high freq signal with no mechanism in place that provides any kind of shielding between them. brilliant! oh, no, wait, that's idiotic. one transformer station serves lots of households, all of which receive the signal. so far so good. you can do ip transmission even, fine, so the neighbor doesnt get to see my pr0n downloads. ok. you've got this sexy modulator in the transformer taking care of transmission. then every hookup has a quote inexpensive device installed that also has to send data on this morass of high freq noise. sorry, but that;s just not gonna happen in any fashion. not to mention the article about the radio interference the fcc is atm not worried about because by then they are sure there will be newertechnologies to avoid that. mwahahahahahahaha NOT!

But what you don't get is, I don't care, you are a troll, earlier I was replying to bumblbee and thought he may be interested in the article I presented to him

Always the nay sayer.

You'll never turn that rock into a wheel...LOL

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oh please. settle down there.

i would say it's a good thing if it was. i read the articles and saw the test results (in germany no less, which has a higher quality and for the lower voltage lines almost completely subterranean power grid that reduces some of the radio interference problems) long before it became fashionable to have high speed internet. the rage at the time was an isdn hookup or 34k dialup while the masses languished with their 28k modems. anyone at the time promising a faster internet was greeted as the new messia, yet Siemens couldn't pull the powerline thing off despite support from the major electrical suppliers. the reasons? all the ones given above. and if you choose to belittle the radio interference problem, ask a ham operator that has dsl rolled out in his area how much it ticks him off. amateur radio all of a sudden became a huge lobby when the german telekom (yes, it is spelled with a k) decided to roll out dsl to the masses. there are better ways to go than powerline, if you have power, more than likely you havew a phone, and dsl can reach as far if not further than that powerline stuff without many of the problems. all it needs is a dslam in the local switches. (the powerline is not magical either, it would need a massive technology investment as well. of course the people living out in the sticks won't get cable or dsl, but the chances that they would be able to get the powerline internet are just about as good. the fact that the sat-internet companies are in business in spite of all their shortcomings is not due to some miracle, merely to the fact that some people have no other choice.

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Locking sucks doesn't it?  :twisted:

Internet over power lines would be so kewl if the speed was good, the prices was right, and it was secure.  My understanding of current powerline network designs leads me to believe it is extremely insecure and would be a worms wet dream.

Now, play nice or you two will be grounded.  :haha:

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well if it was locked...which i don't think it was...but maybe it was...it could have been...but if it was...it's not now...

this topic is not locked...it might have been before...but now it's un-locked :P:haha:

just teasing...ain't i a riot??

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all i want is an answer from halobox why he decided to lock it in the first place. or if anyone else for that matter has any idea why it was locked for a day.(i am implying it was him since he's the one that threatened it and was so terribly smug about it)

Locking sucks doesn't it?

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resopalrabotnick: he only threatened to lock it if you guys didn't settle down and act like adults...


fyi...we are not required to give a reason why a thread is locked...this thread was NEVER locked anyway...and...

it's not locked now so just drop it all ready and stop stomping your feet...let it go like an adult...geeze it this really that big of a deal...just start talking about what ever you were talking about...

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Wow did everyone forget the topic here or what ?

Internet over power lines has been a great concept for years, me for one will be glad to see it come true.

All those who have stock in other ISP's may have to eat Peanut butter & Jelly sandwich's for a while .

But look at it like this at lease it should bring high speed Internet prices down !!

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Trying to get back on topic- do a google search on BPL.  Its still being argued heavily in a lot of areas that proposed further testing of it.  It MIGHT turn into a viable option to cable/dsl in another year or 2, but FIOS and WiFi sound like they might be better in the long term.  Of coarse it wasn't that many years ago that broadband over cable sounded like a pipe dream.

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