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Spam-a-holics. :roll:

Now I dont know about you guys.... this stinks like turkey spam. Its funny how many people make posts accusing others of spam not realizing the hypocrisy of it all. Troll you stink like processed meat... or should I say smells like "spiced ham" :lol:

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*Shug gets up, dusts himself off... Grabs Troll and makes him eat the rotten afterbirth of a premature hogs illigitimate kids, gags him with a spoon, forces him to bang a horse...turns pictures of Troll banged said horse into the cops then after Troll is sentenced to a Super Max Prison Shug comes to visit Troll and yells about what a great ass Troll has ..... stands back and watches the hairy, sweaty man loving begin. Shug takes high res pictures and posts them on testmy.net with Trolls address so everyone can write Troll and ask about his new A hole that is SOOOO big Shug Drives the ICE train straight up TROLLS ASS.* Yea I think that about does it, you can call me daddy and Ill call you Sally. :321:

You like that dont you.... Woman.


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