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Well FiOS was SUPOSED to be installed today...and

#1 Install crew was 2 and 1/2 hours late.

#2 They come and they tell us that our house didnt have the pipe to come up to our house.

So now...A servayer wont come out to setup how to put the pipe upto my house here intill Monday or Tuseday (since its the weekend)

And I dont even know when the Dig Crew is going to come out and put the pipe threw the ground....

So basicly, the Verizon guy(s) said that MAYBE by next Friday they can come out agaian and try to install it...wow im pissed  :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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hm, i would think all that effort would raise the install price too.

Well from the looks of my neigborhood, their going to need to do it to a lot of houses (almost everyone) Becuase I guess the Contractors who laid the Fiber forgot to run the lines to houses... :?

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The contractors seems to have their heads up their asses lately.


PM me or email me i'll see what we can do ill get ahold of a few Supervisor's see what cog's can be moved. ya know?

Im in California, Murrieta area it's all taken care of, i'm more mad at the fact I don't have my fios and we had to wait around for 2 hours... :roll:

And what makes me more mader, is the fact that they did it to my next door neigbors house 2 days ago...and humm they wouldent think to do it to my house to? if my install is on the scedual and all.. :?

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and u should be happy that they are doing it right...there is no way that they could know what houses on a block are going to have fios...so when the order comes the have to run the pipe for that house...so relax and enjoy what u have that others would love to have... :)

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