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Yeap! they are using that cheap bastard technology to fup our accounts.

[move][glow=blue,2,300]CRAPLINK SUCKS![/glow][/move]

But the funny thing is that "now they have all the BW free and available" ... so ..... WHY THE HELL WE ARE HAVING A CRAP BW?????????

The P2P are dead ... and we still have issues with the BW NOT doing even 3.5mb 90% of the time .... SO F Y CRAP LINK ..... P2P wasn't the problem you sloppy ass apes!

Give my BW back! BASTARDS!  :angry5:

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Onelinkpr is poorly managing the bandwidth to offer you only two things: Web Browsing and E-Mail checking.


CAN'T BEAT THIS CRAP SERVICE!!! turd + apes = onelink.

Even a government company give us better service!

OK assuming this is true how come people from Adelphia didn't buy this crap of equipment how makes you sure this is true since this people who bought craplink even would bother buy this kind of equipment, one thing for sure is that they have problems local but as of Sprint hell yea they could lease this kind of equipment to craplink but as i always say why bother buying this kind of equipment if they are having so much trouble with their router directly to Sprint??? Do a tracert and see with your eyes !!!

ok, first thing's first:

1. the people who bought Onelink is the same people who bought Adelphia. they are called San Juan Cable (a group of investors o inversionistas). it's not exactly buying the company, more like finding a franchise (franquicia) that can run their operations in Puerto Rico.

2. they still have problems with their servers but it's not from Sprint. remember, the problem comes from Onelinkpr server's in PR.

3. they use this equipment to discourage people from using p2p and bittorrent. Ellos usan este equipo para disuadir o meterle presion a la gente para que no usen esos programas. Eso es todo. Remember it's cheaper for them to do this than to upgrade their equipments and lines.

ok, first thing's first:

1. the people who bought Onelink is the same people who bought Adelphia. they are called San Juan Cable (a group of investors o inversionistas). it's not exactly buying the company, more like finding a franchise (franquicia) that can run their operations in Puerto Rico.

2. they still have problems with their servers but it's not from Sprint. remember, the problem comes from Onelinkpr server's in PR.

3. they use this equipment to discourage people from using p2p and bittorrent. Ellos usan este equipo para disuadir o meterle presion a la gente para que no usen esos programas. Eso es todo. Remember it's cheaper for them to do this than to upgrade their equipments and lines.

Ok but what makes you sure thay are using this kind of equipment how do you know for sure that they a doing this???? Where did you get this information???

man my point is that it has been posted here that by march 1rst it will be fixed, fine if you don't believe it however they have said it all along by march 1rst the transition from adelphia to onelink will be complete.

And you are in the same boat as me I am computer sciences grad, and actually if you complain to the FCC watch how fast the company calls you home asd asks whats going on it's actually funny. Complaining is ok, but c'mon you can't bitch bitch bitch by phone you don't get any place you take the fight elsewhere. 

And dollars to donuts they have packeteer inside their network someplace but the encpasulation should be getting around packeteer with 0 problems. So packeteer + limiting connections.

drebel mentions it that post. drebel has inside info. since he knows a couple of onelinkpr employees who provide him with said info.

yep the problems appear to be local routers however latency has dropped, but packetloss is still there. If packetloss is there packeteer can't be running since packeteer does not cause packetloss or low speeds.  Packeteer actually optimizes network usage and you get higher numbers than normal in everything except P2P. Now we are slow in everything including P2P and having packetloss.

and when have I confirmed that it packeteer re-read closely:

"And dollars to donuts they have packeteer inside their network someplace but the encpasulation should be getting around packeteer with 0 problems. So packeteer + limiting connections."

that means that It could be possible not that it is a fact.


I have friends that work there but all the info I had was the change of backbone that was about it, this issue I have not asked nor I care to know I would rather not bother them with such work things while they are out of their jobs.

man at my work we have a packeteer installed since we had issues with a 85% usage of P2P on the network.  We installed packeteer and the usage dropped to less than 1% HOWEVER we did not introduce packetloss into the equation by having packeteer. 

However packetloss DOES cause problems with throughoutput and Peer to Peer.  You know, encapsulate the data on a packeteer installed network and encrypt it and the packeteer won't know better and you will get high speeds until you see usage from some IP connsuming too much bandwit and you throttle it back manually or block that port so the user has to call in.

Now encapsulate the data and do this same approach on onelink, same low speeds, now let's throw in another example let's assume they are limiting connections as well.  Well if you do limit connections then when you use a download accelerator you would not be allowed to have (So long as the server you are downloading from allows it) 5 connections downloading full speed.

So until they replace the routers or fix whatever is wrong with the routers they have we will not know for sure. 

man at my work we have a packeteer installed since we had issues with a 85% usage of P2P on the network.  We installed packeteer and the usage dropped to less than 1% HOWEVER we did not introduce packetloss into the equation by having packeteer. 

However packetloss DOES cause problems with throughoutput and Peer to Peer.  You know, encapsulate the data on a packeteer installed network and encrypt it and the packeteer won't know better and you will get high speeds until you see usage from some IP connsuming too much bandwit and you throttle it back manually or block that port so the user has to call in.

Now encapsulate the data and do this same approach on onelink, same low speeds, now let's throw in another example let's assume they are limiting connections as well.  Well if you do limit connections then when you use a download accelerator you would not be allowed to have (So long as the server you are downloading from allows it) 5 connections downloading full speed.

So until they replace the routers or fix whatever is wrong with the routers they have we will not know for sure. 

that is an interesting approach to explain what is happening with onelinkpr. thank you for clarifying the aforementioned info. and no, i am not criticizing, i am actually thanking you for explaining what packeteer does and its usage with onelinkpr.

you know as well as i that onelinkpr is using packeteer. you wouldn't have said it (indirectly) if you didn't know it was true. plus you're a computer network expert and you can see the signs of packeteer usage affecting p2p/bittorrent.

No i dint think so it depends how you configure your ports I made a test couple of night just for the fun of it and I got at least 70 to 80 kb/s all depend how things are going throughout the network. But if this is true they have some administrator dint know what they are doing i mean look how terrible the connections are even doing REQUEST TIME OUT this is unacceptable. So i think they are working on it but doing a terrible job of it!!!!

Para Usuarios de ONE LINK en Puerto Rico

Pensaba que estaba solo en este problema pero ya veo que son muchos con la misma situacion.

Desde que cambiaron a onelinkpr esto es horrible.

La velocidad promedio ha ido bajando hasta llegar ahora 2 MPS .Anteriormente teniamos 2.8 hasta 3.5 a cualquier hora y ademas no estaban limitando el bandwith en LimeWire y otros P2P-File Sharing Programs.

Por que ahora que limitan estos programas tenemos un peor servicio y una baja velocidad. Es totalmente ilogico.

Estan castigando a sus propios clientes, porque si estamos pagando $35 mens y hasta $50+ es para poder utilizar todos estos programas de file sharing y bajar lo queremos a cualquier hora con una buena velocidad. Todavia recuerdo aquellos dias que bajaba multiples archivos en LimeWire rapidamente.

La mayoria estamos pagando este servicio para bajar archivos en LimeWire,etc. Si fuera para ver paginas y revisar e-mails con dial up es suficiente.

Si estas sufriendo de este mismo problema ya sabes que es ONE LINK que esta limitando tu servicio.

El personal tecnico esta actuando a la defensiva para proteger a su patrono y sin ningun tacto hacia los clientes. Realmente parecen robots contestando. El ultimo que me atendio me dijo que si tuvieran realmente problemas los 23,000 subscriptores estarian llamando. Esto significa no solamente que el individuo es bestia sino que tenemos que inundarlos de llamadas,e-mails y reclamaciones.

Entonces se atreven a ofrecer un supuesto servicio 78 veces mas rapido que dial-up. Por favor. Cuando llamas te dicen que tener 1 meg es normal.

Si el servicio estaba bien por que destruirlo de esta manera.

Realmente tenemos otra alternativa.

Estare copiando y enviando los mensajes al respecto a ONE LINK.

Por favor es importante que continuen llamando y enviando e-mails todos los dias. Tambien escribir cartas tiene un mejor efecto.Despues de todo estamos pagando por este servicio y no dejaremos de protestar hasta que pongan las cosas en su lugar. Esta empresa que compro a adelphia se cree que va a aplastarnos como gusanos.

Tenemos que demostrar quienes somos.

Si alguien puede crear algun foro en espanol podriamos hacerle llegar diariamente los resultados a ONE LINK.


CAN'T BEAT THIS CRAP SERVICE!!! turd + apes = onelink.

Even a government company give us better service!

can't stop myself from calling that bluff. what puerto rican government agency and/or government run company has better service than onelink?

Your connection is: 937 Kbps or 0.9 Mbps

You Downloaded at: 114 kB/s

You are running: 17 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 8.98 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:Robocop CompID:64612570494

Test Time:: 2006/03/03 - 5:07pm

Test ID: KOE3SHB6G (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: May need help : running at only 44.66 % of your hosts average (onelinkpr.net)

This was tested from a 579 kB file and took 5.062 seconds to complete

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

I'm paying right now $56 dolars for a capped, slow, packetloss, dialup broadband, ass service, ass helpdesk, ass company "cable modem"!

Give me a break! Thats why I'm living this hell hole! they can kiss my $$ good bye. And when kissing ... they can kiss my ass too. :angry5:

crap bill said 17 or march my last day ... crap. :haha:

Well I havent been here in a while now but I just wanted to say the service is still horrible. the packetloss keep coming up and Im wondering what the fuck they did in order to get all this service straight to hell. I'll keep complaining and calling but complaining to a tech service wont do shit unless you actually tell them to speak to a high command guy. Otherwise you can yell cuss or do whatever u want as soon as you hang up is over.

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