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No direct link between P2P and lower music sales

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quote from http://www.p2punite.org/?q=node/304

"A report from the EU-sponsored project, Music Lessons, has studied P2P-based distribution of music. The conclusion from the report is that available data does not support a direct link between file sharing and diminishing music sales.(PDF) Econometric studies have not been able to find any significant effects either. User studies, however, show that 80 to 85 % of the downloaders maintain that their purchases remain the same or have increased. Claims of lower sales must then have other bases ..."

Full report

VanBuren :)

When i see ppl share like 100 GB of music i find it hard to belive they would have bought all that music if p2p wasnt possible. So its not really a lost customer to all those artists. I also belive if i like a artist alot i want to support them and get a retail cd for collection.

I think the report has some points, that i dont think the music industry been thinking about.

Also i think p2p help artists to get new fans.

VanBuren :)

i was talking to my dad earlier today and he shared his point of view... he said that the artists and record companys are really mad about the royalty money they're losing... they're suppose to get paid like 4 cents a play or something like that... at least i think thats how it works with radio stations... anyways when you dont own the cd and ur listening to the songs the artist is really losing 4 cents a play...

just another point of view

~ Mark

GEEZUZ...these artist or bands. most of them are already millionaires i wish they would quit there crying!!!! i mean its not like they dont make enough money as it is... i wish i could go pay cash for a house or a car...let them try living on 400dollars a week paycheck to paycheck.... i can just say one word for these people GREED...so rock on p2p :headbang:

Yea  Van this is total bull spit. Just the other day I saw Snoop Dog and he was driving a Bentley, yea you heard me. Hes so broke he is driving a Bentley for crying out loud. Poor poor feller... WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN.. WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

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