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Where im at i dont have anything but dial-up. Ive been running with Direcway for 2 years. Even though i pay 59.99 a month i rather pay that instead of being on dial up

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1886 Kbps about 1.9 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)

Download Speed is:: 230 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 34 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.45 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=4C6R2YV9X


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Hey justinlay, you may want to try this for your signature if you haven't already. I'm not even sure if that SigX thing qualifies as an image.

[code:1]<a href='http://sigx.yuriy.net/link.php' target='_blank'><img border='0' src='url to image here' width='whatever the width is' height='whatever the height is'></a>[/code:1]

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I hope you're being sarcastic. That's pretty slow' date=' even for dial-up. I used AOL several years ago and was getting 5-7kB/s. But trust me, once you go broadband, you'll never go back. :twisted:[/quote']

ha! i got ~13 kbps on aol wen i had it!!! :-D

the only thing i ever liked aohell for was their little welcome page, i found it somewhat interesting :-D hehe

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It's impossible to get ~13kB/s on 56k as far as I know. You must've had some sort of faster package.

actually, i must disagree with that, because i was bored one day so i downloaded netzero on my ethernetless crappy $10.00 laptop(yes, i really got it for 10 dollars...its a pII 300MHz ibm and i think either 32 or 64mb of ram...and its running windows xp...even though i shoulda just stuck with 98...but too late now, its ntfs now :)). Well anyways, i came to testmy to see how fast netzero was, and surprisingly, it was faster than aoHell with results in teh 20's...but still, it was slow as hell since i've been on cable for so long

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i just took a retest cause my internet is fast today. I dont think its right though :cry:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 320 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 KB)

Download Speed is:: 39 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 6 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 26.26 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=CLTP2FR3C

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It is possible to get speeds that high but that is only on your first hop. And also when you download fron another 56k user, i found that the speeds were higher. The fastest ive been able to download was 6-7kbps and that was when i had MSN dialup like 4 years ago.

56 Kbps is 6.84 KB/sec <-- and thats if you are using 100% which barely ever happens. The typical fast for 56k would be 40-45kbps (45 Kbps is 5.49 KB/sec) and the average would be 35 Kbps is 4.27 KB/sec.

10kbps is still understandable but 20 is a no, no.

150 Kbps is 18.31 KB/sec

150 is nowhere near 56

EDIT: There was this guy once who said his compression software made his speeds go really fast. I know for a fact that AOL uses compression software. Maybe thats why you such a high test score? Even though CA3LE said its not possible to compress it even more, i think the software can lol.

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It is possible to get speeds that high but that is only on your first hop. And also when you download fron another 56k user, i found that the speeds were higher. The fastest ive been able to download was 6-7kbps and that was when i had MSN dialup like 4 years ago.

56 Kbps is 6.84 KB/sec <-- and thats if you are using 100% which barely ever happens. The typical fast for 56k would be 40-45kbps (45 Kbps is 5.49 KB/sec) and the average would be 35 Kbps is 4.27 KB/sec.

10kbps is still understandable but 20 is a no, no.

150 Kbps is 18.31 KB/sec

150 is nowhere near 56

EDIT: There was this guy once who said his compression software made his speeds go really fast. I know for a fact that AOL uses compression software. Maybe thats why you such a high test score? Even though CA3LE said its not possible to compress it even more, i think the software can lol.

:?: If I remember correctly there has always been a law that a 56k dial-up is capped at 48k I believe some B.S. that it would cause static or some such nonsense on C.O. lines if it went to max(56K)....it always makes me feel better when the Feds are looking out for my best interest....that being said in the old days there was a way to tweak a 56k but for what reason I'll never know it was only a slight improvement and meant big trouble if you got busted...sorry but if I had to use dial-up if I didn't kill myself Im sure at least I'd freak.......

8) Microwave

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