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I have the same thing :) altho reformat IS always nice, it isnt necessary. With adwareSE you can remove the spyware, then keep "adwatch" on at all times. According to my adwatch the damn spyware has tried (and been blocked) 569 times to reinstall itself.

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this is my upload now...... it sucks....... poop on it! Yeah my ISP capepd me lower. I think its because i was sharing files on bit torrent and stuff. I don't know :cry: . Shitty thing is my download was capped lower too. Either that' date=' or someone else in my area got cable and they are stealing my bandwidth! ORRRR......... all this spyware is shittying of my connection!!!!!! ORRRR.......... BOOOO dammit!!![/quote']

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is: 588 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is: 72 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line: 10 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 14.22 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=0BE1AMJOJ[/quote

Cable companies tend to do that when you waste too much bandwidth. Youre limited on cable unlike with DSL which is unlimited. ]

The first disadvantage is that cable is an RF network -- this means that it is vulnerable to transient problems "within the network" from RF interference. Since cable is a shared media, there is a possibility that performance may degrade over time as additional households plug in, connect additional devices (videos, game machines etc.) to the TV lines.

A cable company may react slowly to decreases in performance if it reacts at all, as they never sell access by speed, or promise consistent speed or latency.

Another of the disadvantages of cable over DSL is the upstream (return path). Cable companies are using a very narrow band for return signalling, and this is positioned below all the space allocated for TV channels. This band is prone to RF interference and is very limited in capacity. Upstream transmissions may therefore compete with others in the area, get delayed (suffer high latency) due to noise fighting techniques, and cable TOS (Terms Of Service) typically prohibit any kind of constant upstream use. Internet use is shifting away from central servers broadcasting to many individuals and some interesting peer to peer applications are appearing (games, voice and video applications, communal libraries). These applications need a strong upstream channel.

In summary, cable modems are currently good value and strong competition for residential casual use, often available more cheaply and far faster than their ADSL competition. However, DSL is probably the more future-proof system, offering digital direct from the internet infrastructure. If your DSL ISP is on the ball, your performance in either direction will not be different from peak hour to early morning, and DSL lines are available for a wide variety of purposes, both business and residential.

Read that Mr. xxxxxxxxxx

Cable companies forbid any sort of constant upstream usage

So if you use alot, there are 2 ways they can deal with you, either make you pay for all that overused bandwidth, or start to slow you down.

Yeah, I'd say when I uploaded like 3 GB in 2 days it probably made them angry :P . **** I could still do that with 72 KB/s if i kept it up 24/7 though. Oh well........ I ruined a good thing and now i must suffer the consequences of having an upload equal to most peoples! DAMNNN

Hehe, its still faster than mine.

One thing i would like to say is that im not saying Cable is worse than DSL. Most cable services are way faster than my dsl, but they arent available for me. One isp i considered was OOL, but i cant get it. There are many pro's and con's to dsl and cable, but for me dsl was the best way to go.

Read that xxxxxxxxxx

Cable companies forbid any sort of constant upstream usage

So if you use alot, there are 2 ways they can deal with you, either make you pay for all that overused bandwidth, or start to slow you down.

Ok " Mr. xxxxxxxxxx" where in there does it say that if i buy dsl tomorrow ill be linked directly to this "uNliMitEd" backbone of bandwith as you so say? So if i switch tomorrow, i can be getting 2 or 300 mb connection?? I mean, of course, since YOU say the bandwith is uncapped/limited ;)

Originally posted by Marcin541

[. Youre limited on cable unlike with DSL which is unlimited. ]

btw whats this about " you cannot have a constant upstream or they will deal with you" ??

The past 6 months iv uploaded 176 gb (not much for 6 mnths, but meh, not the point)

[insert more xxxxxxxxxx here]

I think you know exactly what I meant, unless you truly are a xxxxxxxxxx. DSL offers unlimited access as in you wont ever go over the limit of downloading or uploading too much, unlike with Cable.

Cable companies tend to do that when you waste too much bandwidth. Youre limited on cable unlike with DSL which is unlimited.

is that right? o_o... iv never heard of that. Iv had my cable company 2 years now. Iv reformatted countless times, and after every reformat iv re-downlaoded all 110 gb of my need share @ speeds using all my bandwith ( about 40 % network utilization) as well as uploaded as i said, about 178 gb every few months. (some months more then others)

Hell, jsut the hub i run for the past 9 days has used 6 gb of uplaod bandwith. So where you get this cable is limited shit i have no idea. Mabey speed wise its limited, hard to be honest, but so is dsl .

:::edit::: as a matter of fact, just 1 monthsago on my last format, i (re-)downloaded about 87 gb of my share in a few days ( like 2 i think mabey 3 non stop) . Iv never been " penelized for overages" or anythign of the sort.

I wasnt addressing you personally. Maybe youre a lucky one and your isp doesnt do that, but then again, you had 250MB on hotmail for 6 years now :roll: ...

No your right, all cable companies limit the amount of badwith your allowed to use. My bad einstein.

guys chill..........

there is no reason to call ppl names, just beqause you have a diffrent opinion....

since you are a moderator .s1, you should try to leave the kindergarthen stage and argue with a decent language.

Unlimited transfer traffic or not is set by your isp, its not limited in the type of connection.

Cable connections is half duplex but thats another story.

VanBuren :)

guys chill..........

there is no reason to call ppl names, just beqause you have a diffrent opinion....

since you are a moderator .s1, you should try to leave the kindergarthen stage and argue with a decent language.

VanBuren :)

Dude , go somewhere else with that parental xxxxxxxxxx.

To be honest, i have nothing against marcin, infact that was a fun lil debate :P , but xxxxxxxxxx like "Mr. Hahn" who constantly run their mouths (or ..fingers...whatever) with xxxxxxxxxx comments will get whats comming to them. Or mabey we should just cry and say were going to leave, huh hahn :roll:

Dude , go somewhere else with that parental xxxxxxxxxx.

To be honest, i have nothing against marcin, infact that was a fun lil debate :P , but xxxxxxxxxx like "Mr. Hahn" who constantly run their mouths (or ..fingers...whatever) with xxxxxxxxxx comments will get whats comming to them. Or mabey we should just cry and say were going to leave, huh hahn :roll:

you obviosly need to grow up, and in my opinion is not mature enough for beeing a moderator of a decent forum...

debate was so fun so you had to lock the thread right?

VanBuren :)

you obviosly need to grow up, and in my opinion is not mature enough for beeing a moderator of a decent forum...

lol why? because someone doesnt agree with xxxxxxxxxx opinions, and gives counter opinions that are non sugar coated? Well if you want to be all sweet and kind with "decent language" then that your style. As for others it doesnt apply. Because Ca3le even said that there arent restrictions on language (yet) unless well you know.. you use racist comments or somethign lol. So if you dont like my language, then you " grow up" and accept it. If anything PM Ca3le and tell him to de-mod me, because either way isnt hurting me one bit. I dont see why you feel like you run this place, but you dont. You had no right unlocking a thread that another mod felt went too far. By opening it you allowed more posts just trying and stir up shit. But hey! YOU know best. :roll:

debate was so fun so you had to lock the thread right

Again, i locked ti so we wouldnt get 6 more posts by people like hahn to try and throw fuel onto the fire.

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