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Although I don't discuss it on the boards as Testmy.net is not the place for it, I feel that everyone determines their own INTERNET fate. Uncapping isn't anywhere near as extreme as it used to be. It's pretty casual and is geared more toward today's enthusiast.

Read some of the FAQ's/Tutorials from the TheoryShare.com link within my sig. Visit the forum link if you'd like. :)

Pretty interesting stuff.

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wow respolotaitbotnik, you actually said something nice, maybe? not sure if you were being serious.  Also i will try to do this some time soon, in this week and post some tests and then turn it off(cap it again). mostly for the upload though, i dont download anything that much.  Mostly to run a server for less than 6 hours a day.

wow ok bitches, fuck the 15/2 how about a 30/10? is that better for you.  Its called a reasonable speed to uncap it to.  I am just wanting a faster upload speed.  dont care about download, if i want i would uncap the download to 100Mbps.  But im not stupid.

my cable isp has docsis 2.0 which i am pretty sure that wont work on it.

That is correct. The program mentioned in Hollywoodx954x's first post won't work on DOCSIS 2.0, 1.1, or 1.0 infrastructures, but so many other programs will. That, I am cartain about.

People do this everyday and never alert their isp.

DOCSIS 2.0 constantly refreshes the configuration file.

I'm not sure if DOCSIS 2.0 constantly refreshes your config file or not, but once you clone the mac address of an active modem from a different node across town, you will operate at that speed and constantly receive the same config file as often as necessary. Even when rebooting the modem.

Some users choose to sniff out the fastest config file their isp has to offer (lots of business speeds), enter the info within the modified firmware's interface, and apply the settings. After a reboot of the modem, your speeds will be that of the chosen config file indefinitely.

What all this means is that users subscribe to the cheapest package that their isp offers, but operate at the fastest available speed.

Currently, there is no way to stop this. It doesn't matter if it's standard DOCSIS or Euro DOCSIS.

ok, so is it the sb5100 that's un-detectable? :twisted:

This goes for the SB3100-SB5101.

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simple as that as organ_shifter said..

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hmm get another mac id and serial find the fastest config.. and put it in there and voila.. free internet to if u use someone elses mac id

Edit: Van Buren already removed the initial links from Hollywood's first post. This topic is for discussion only. Don't post direct links to software/hardware.

free internet to if u use someone elses mac id

dont even need to do that..

Receiving free service altogether (without subscribing to a package at all) definitely isn't something that you'd want to consider. That's not experimental anymore, that's down right stealing.

Not gonna get into that subject i have a real good friend that works at tcniso ( YourMomma  is his nick ).. So i know what i was doing. im on dsl now.. live way to far out for cable.

And as far as stealing goes . sure its down right stealing but hey cant people choose to do what they want to?

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