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Recently i restarted my modem and router on my room computer, but when they started back up all the lights were fine.. it said i had a connection on windows... yet i really DIDNT have a connection, so i decided to check all my wires... i changed each of my ethernet wires

still the problem

so then i decided to run my comp directly from the modem and forget the router

and it WORKED

im wonder is this a sign that my router is going bad?

or is there something im doing wrong with settings or something

help would be greatly appreciated  :icon_pale:

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I did try releasing my ip, but i didnt try the setup wizard yet...the only thing is that i have other computers pluigged into the router and they dont work either

so that leads me to believe that the router is shot

What kind of router is it...My friend bought a netgear, and he couldn't get it working...I went over there, and got it working in 5 minutes...I know with the some netgear routers, you have to follow their directions exactly or you won't be able to get into the router(it basically involved using the install cd that came with the router, and following the steps on the screen)...

My router, I can just plug in and go...I'm not sure why his netgear was such a problem...But I know if you didn't follow the steps exactly as they were stated in manual, it would not work..

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Have you tried to clear the router to its factory defaults?

Usually there is a reset button on the back.

Depending on model, remove power, press and hold the reset button for 10-30 seconds. Then power up router.  If that does not clear it, try holding down reset button while router is powered.

If it does clear to factory defaults, your name/pass for router should be admin/admin or admin/password.

Good luck..

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