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No i mean the bios is not blocked but the option to change the fsb amd multipier and so forth is blocked.

Meaning, it's locked. duh. He can't change it. The settings are greyed out. duh..omg people!! think!! doesn't anyone around here have an HP or Dell that they can look at the BIOS on and ee what he' saying? my god.. :roll:

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I have seen this exact same problem before but playing with the bios can get rather tricky.  I don't want to suggest any things you would feel uncomfortable doing but here's a list I came up with.

1. Remove the processor and then re install it.

2. Flash Bios

3. Check the procedure for clearing CMOS some of the diff motherboards require a different process ie. hitting the power switch after moving the clip and so forth.

4. Cry and bang the keyboard like a little girl.

Note: Please only use step four in EXTREME circumstances.

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i tried flashing my bios but had no luck...

I dled the flash utility and new bios but i kept on getting a file error.

Im tryin a utility called cpu cool....i ended up settig all the speeds to where they were before with cpu cool but as soona s i applied the setting my monitor went black but my computer was still on and functioning.

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Yea, CPUFSB will probably do the trick if you can find the FSB - try that.

Note: Finding the FSB is incredibly easy...don't worry...


Note 2: You don't need cpu cool, get CPUFSB  from podien.de, it is just the overclocking part of cpu cool ;)

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One question that was never asked, Is this a name brand computer or one you built yourself? It seems kind of weird that FIC would supply a motherboard that has a BIOS incapable of being adjusted by the end user unless it  came in something like an E-machines, or HP or compaq etc.

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The "underclocking" is the Processor's way of protecting itself from an FSB it could not handle. Which makes me wonder, if you had no access to the FSB settings how did you attempt to overclock in the first place? Software overclocking utilities such as CPUFSB only work in windows, the processor speed is reset when you reboot. Still setting the jumper to 133 (266) should cause it to dectect the processor at the right speed, or at least open the option to manually select the speed in the BIOS.

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I think my stepfather had the same problem with a barebone pc he got..All the speeds were way off...

He flashed the bios, and that cured the problem....

You said you tried to flash your bios...Did you ever succeed?  What file error were you getting?

Have you run a benchmark utility, that will give you your pc specs..maybe bios info is incorrect..

http://www.pcpitstop.com -- That test will give you your processor speed, etc... If you have run it in the past, you should have an idea on whether or not its drastically differrent..

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Hmmm I'm wondering if your motherboard has an automatic BIOS backup. Some have 2 BIOSes a Main one and a secondary one stored on a PROM that kicks in  in case the Primary BIOS is corrupted. The Primary can be flashed, secondary can't. Try Updating your BIOS again. Only other thing I can think of is Compaq installed their own crippled BIOS on your computer. if so getting the REAL Award BIOS for that MB should enable all options.

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Which version of the board do you have? Is it straight from the manufacture or through HP?

The HP models have a special castrated BIOS which can't be flashed using FIC's own AM37 flash. There is a company that has a fix for it, but they want $59 for it.

Read that here: FIC AM37 from HP

-If the above statement is factual, who knows what else is intentionally blocked by this modified BIOS-

Overclocking info here: I have a FIC AM37 Read the last sentence.

I'll continue to search for a way to reset everything back to default, but I don't think that overclocking is an option for you.

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