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Everything posted by ybnrmalatall

  1. *looks away from insane guy*
  2. Natural born RPer
  3. I would dual boot but I prefer to just use 1 OS due to how much I game as in I game while I do everyday stuffs as in alt-tab is my best buddy xD It would just be an inconvenience Not to be a pirate I would have a custom laptop build for you and "get" mac os Then dual boot
  4. haha nice Yeah I would fill it I also think that it would somewhat bring people here possibly
  5. I think he is.... dare I say it? I think... Computerist Ca3le How could you! > xD
  6. I would think a "Computer Hardware" section would be amazing imo I don't like the feel of it being considered off topic on a pretty techy forum
  7. lol yeah I would full time linux but as a gamer I am stuck Hopefully steam can get every game on linux (old and new) they only have a few new ones and then tf2 Looking good as far as linux as a full time os but I will wait a few years
  8. Ah lol sorry I heard java and just assumed lol javascript sounds more right thanks ca3le
  9. Could be your computer? Java is VERY iffy imo
  10. I am also pretty new here so welcome
  11. Right on, I knew about the test thing I think it is kinda bullshit that they would go boost over stability Anyway its fine I just wondered @Thread Thanks guys
  12. Okay so Charter Communications (Cable internet provider) is saying I should be getting 30mb/s down and at least 3mb/s up. I am currently getting (provided by testmy's test) 19mb/s-20mb/s down. Should I call them out on this or is the 3 second boost or whatever it is that says I have higher or is that their way of validation and do you think they will comply or call my (bs)? Just a question If this is in the wrong section sorry
  13. Lol ms doesn't make me that mad I am very adaptable
  14. Gosh every time I see this topic I think "omgomg *starts sweating* who would ask this ._." My fanboy is hard to control, had to post CHROME
  15. Consoles limit the potential so yeah Actually it is not that horrid If I would have not known about the limit I would have assumed worse anyway It helps with the servers and stuff on the system and keeps everyone more balanced A better connection usually just means (on console) you can play on servers further away from where you live and not so much a ping advantage
  16. I'm not calling you a newbie I am just saying it is what it caters to :/ Like example: say you were to play counter strike 1.6 It is much harder then cs: source BUT overall players can be much better and have more SKILL then the ones who play source due to the higher skill cap Same with ubuntu vs others It is a little too newbie friendly to be able to do nearly as much as others Just an opinion I don't think of you as a newbie though
  17. You guys can go to classic and it looks pretty cool but it takes more computer process to use then win7 so it is not worth it for a gamer
  18. lol awesome man I wanted to put it in hex then put it through binary but lol no one ever gets it and I always have to explain Thanks for the title though man, much appreciated lol thanks!
  19. Nope I will never touch Win8 It is horrid compared to 7 I will just skip this like I have skipped Vista
  20. lol I have accepted my no life I am not a fan of CoD but to each their own I play Planetside 2, GW2, still play Halo 1, CS: Source, CS:1.6, CS: GO, lfd, lfd2, tf2 and many more, those are just top tier
  21. Idk I think ubuntu is a little newbie friendly and doesn't allow you to do as much... I prefer Debian type of flavors more so then ubuntu or gnome. As a gamer I have to use windows or I am just pulling myself back although I will never touch Win8 ever Ubuntu is great for learning though although Linux Mint might suit you more
  22. I have no clue I have never liked Comcast in the slightest though IMO I do assume what CA3LE also said @CA3LE LOL man you use binary for your location now also :/ I feel so unoriginal D:
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