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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. Those of us that have been thrust into the position of providing some form of tech support, be it as a job or simply for a beer, will probably be able to tell some tales that sound like something from saturday night live or the twilight zone. let's share them here, for the amusement and education of others.
  2. grr. radio shack. the option we were stuck with here in pr because circuit city won't come here. thank the lord we at least got a compusa.
  3. what card is it? if you're on a budget, what you can replace it with might not be worth the speed gain. save the cash and do a bigger upgrade later, or, depending on the rest of the box, save for a new comp;lete box.
  4. well, do a speed test and see if you reach the speed advertised by your isp. if n ot, then people here can help. if yes, then that's the end of the line, short of upgrading your package with your isp.
  5. not only do i not know where his server locking up comes from, i do not even know what server he is talking about! my electronics receive their time updates about 1 every few months from a flesh and bones server, me. my vcr doesn't log onto any server to get it's time.
  6. thatr depends solely on what is offered at your physical location. then you can compare to find the best deals. as for the technology used, i don't care if my isp has a herd of smurfs carrying bits around, as lonmg as they get here /fast/.
  7. rts: empire earth 1 and 2 sports: ea nhl hockey, most years. (depends on your box) driving: nfs porsche unleashed for realistic, nfs others for arcade. porsche unleashed with forcefeedback wheel rocks. fps: duke nukem 3d, shadow warrior.
  8. could someone do me a favor and tell me how calling a government malicious for ignoring the native language of the majority of their citizens, not to mention electorates, nationality? do so in english, spanish or whatever floats your boat, but i would like to see your twisted definition of racist.
  9. mh. modify still gone. anyway, we'll be looking for more cached results in 2 weeks. see you then!
  10. i do speak the language, since it is impossible not to, and i am not complaining about those that /choose/ not to, or about those that can't choose, but about the decision of a narrowminded government to not /let/ the people choose which language to speak. not teaching english in school means taking a huge opportunity away from the children whose parents cannot afford to have them visit a private school that has english in its curriculum. and adelphia /is/ a us isp, however, in pr it is run by community cablevision, a joint venture between two other cable companies. when the us adelphia was bought out, the pr part got sold to these two. in fact, these two have recedntly agreed to sell to another provider. so it is carrying the name and the service, but the actual ownership differs. maybe that is one reason for the lack of communication between local and miami offices.
  11. the speed will fluctuate during the day, depends on how your providers traffic situation is, if you're running any big progs, sunspots etc.
  12. well, the mn700 gives you the proprietary ms encryption for the wireless. makes it slower, but if you want safest, it might be that. otherwise, flip a copin, i guess.
  13. in any case it would need to be able to swap to the hd i would think...
  14. first of all, how much do you want to spend. that narrows it down right there.
  15. most people here are high bandwidth, so go ahead and run those 20 or 30 second spots and minitrailers. and let registered users skip em, should up the numbers?
  16. don't trust cholla. his swamp land deal is bogus. did you know however, that the french are decommissioning the eiffel tower? maintenance costs are soaring, and they are afraid that osama will fly a plane into it, so they decided to tear it down before anything bad happens, and they need someone to dispose of the scrap metal. i hear it can be recycled with a good profit. if you want i will also let you know how you can contact the nigerian prince in exile that needs someone to launder billions of dollars for him. he promises to pay well.
  17. jt. pr is NOT a country. it's an appendage to the us. in fact, pr chooses to not try to become a state, since this way it gets all the juicy fed funds without the fed taxes. if you still think pr is a country, take a look at your passport. (i beleive you are from pr) it will say united states in that case. it is US Territory, with all the rights, and none of the obligations. it gets to have its cake and eat it too. and being us citizens, i think more people should speak english. and i'm not saying the people are to blame, it's the government that decided to not teach the language. among other things they don't teach. a voting public unencumbered by facts and education is so much easier to control. 2 words in closing: banana republic. and i don't mean the clothing chain.
  18. pakipalla, then you will see my point about the lack of englishliteracy in pr. you lived here a few months, and your english beats the socks off half the people here.
  19. in fact, the checkdisk may be a good bet. find an old dos disk with chkdsk and run it with the option /f otherwise use scandisk. this should mark the sectors as bad and have the setup/format skip em. of course, if the bad sectors are due to a flake in the magnetic coating, the problem will propagate. good luck.
  20. yes they do. but at their prices, you might as well buy a new one. find a geek in your neighborhood and offer to pay him to work over your system. will probably be cheaper and faster.
  21. and to prevent anyone from the outside from accessing the dslam, the user traffic side of the system has nothing to do with the maintenance network side. you shouldn't be able to cross over between the two sides. if you can hack into the telco's internal net, /then/ you have a chance. but from where you are, no hope. besides which it might not be a good idea to try that with your connection, since the port is assigned to you by wiring, as you correctly surmised, and therefore any attack by you would easily be tracable to your person. and then you would be dealing with a whole other kind of corrupt organisation, if your username is any hint to your physical location.
  22. nice try, but no cigar. the bandwidth is assigned to the ports on the dslam, so you would have to be on-site and start plugging cables. but since it's so corrupt, couldn't you find out what palms to grease so they can speed up your connection? or if you're willing to pay more, go sattelite. whole other mess of problems, but at least you'd be above 8k. heck, you could rent out bandwidth to your neighbors and recoup the investment.
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