Ur tring to oc that s3 prosavage? It is possible to oc an onboad graphics card but it wont make much of a difference. I oced my old s3 with this tool http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_description/0,fid,6241,00.asp
well the only true to tell if those results are correct is to download from a website wtih fast severs(like microsoft) and see if u can dl at those speeds, BTW it does not look like u have sbc or am i seing something wrong
ur tracerouter seem pretty good so i dont think that is the problem. Have u tried cablenut? If u have a router try running test without the router(traceroute test and speed test) Did u follow all the steps on the link i sent you? Also do u get lower speeds on a certain time of the day or is it at random times?