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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. Thanks for the link Swimmer
  2. Ok so this means we can all move on now? Good!
  3. The soma is the bulbous end of a neuron, containing the nucleus. The word "soma" is from a Greek word meaning "body" and yep like you said: # leafless East Indian vine; its sour milky juice formerly used to make an intoxicating drink # personification of a sacred intoxicating drink used in Vedic ritual Well that clears it up lol..it has 2 meanings,both that suit the music pretty nicely lol
  4. That will be a very nice trick or treat with an emphasis on trick
  5. Did you notice how we usually have the same ping times to BF2142..eventhough you have FIOS and I have Earthlink But other than that..your so lucky
  6. Yea people in my neighborhood dont use encryption either lol..I guess NYers dont like WEP encryption
  7. Nice site..Its good to see some trance there lol..Ill give it a listen while im working out haha Btw.. its soma fm..does the soma stand for anything..b/c in greek soma means soul/body so far so good
  8. Hey there Yea nothing in Astoria,but have heard theyre working on the backbone in my area, then theyll head to the poles and work from there, and from a high position FIOS guy that I spoke to at Digital Life told me that my area and basically the rest of Queens should see it 2007,only thing holding them back is the franchise they are trying to approve..so basically its a waiting game lol. As for that wireless idea..I knew someone when I had classes that had the same idea He's planning on doing something like that..but I doubt it
  9. LOL
  10. Im in between two areas that have it
  11. To tell you the truth..I think your speeds are on par considering you are from the UK..there still might be away to get a little faster but so far you have great speeds..wish I could have that Btw try taking a test here: http://www.testmy.net/o-mirror-cf_master And in Vanburens mirror since they are located closer to you and see what you get there
  12. Congratulations man!!
  13. Welcome to the site...besides downloading the cablenut files..have you also followed the other steps to ensure your PC is running nice and clean to try to achieve as close as possible the 10 Mbps.....also take a speed test so we can see what your getting
  14. Try downloading something off Microsoft..like a big game demo or something..and see what speeds you get
  15. Hahaha..good thing I live in Northern Queens lol....maybe 30 the most lol..some right by schools
  16. Wow so how much is the standard package?
  17. My laptop has 384MB ram...computer Im using now has 512,and my brothers pc has 1GB
  18. :haha: :haha:
  19. Yea it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes..especially since winrar gold comes with a cracking tool lol...but you shouldnt worry about it if he cant turn on a computer lol
  20. No problem...glad you got it to work
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