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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. If your ISP blocks SNMP,does it work?
  2. LOL :2funny:
  3. Good lol Im not going to OC it but I cant wait to get it lol...all I hear is good stuff about it,you included..so it has to be good
  4. Yea,by the time I save up money for it and the new pc...it would be a month lol Yea thats why I was having such a hard time finding one,nothing impresses me Yea the one you got is the Deluxe version its a very good motherboard and like you said easy Ocing,so hows your experience with the E660? is it good?
  5. And he has no problems with it right?
  6. Hi guys,what is a good motherboard for the Conroe 6600 and costs less than $200. And if its SLI or Crossfire even better Thanks!!
  7. Yea...in the end thats the best choice if you can do that,if they dont charge for it,just get it from them,less of a headache
  8. LOL.....that was a good one
  9. But ill see if I'll like it as well,even if I dont I still have to use it
  10. Im getting one for free tomorrow from my first job
  11. Ok nevermind lol..hope it works Btw welcome to testmy.net
  12. Hi there Are you behind a router?
  13. Nice
  14. Yea...they fit everyones personality perfect
  15. Yea just change it to allow and we'll see if its better
  16. Thanks!!! :smiley: Lets see if ill like it
  17. :shocked:
  18. Haha...next week dont worry...got my first job yesterday..starting Monday And theeeeenn.....
  19. :cheesy: :cheesy:
  20. You beat me to it lmao But yea http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=mlist;sort=posts;start=0 Shows you all the members and their post count
  21. I knew BF2142 would be mentioned somewhere there lol Dont worry,I wouldve mentioned it too
  22. Yea I think its the latency thats affecting your gaming experience...do you get these kind of pings all day long?
  23. DJVageli


    Yea my brothers widescreen is pretty nice..I like playing Battlefield 2142 on it Anyway nice speakers
  24. I guess I should try it out as well..have had it in my computer for days and never installed it
  25. I think last Friday or Thursday...but yea its still recent..and I hear a lot of good things about it
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