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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. This is a test offered by visualware and I have never found it to be accurate.....like CA3LE GUY my upload is faster than download. I think you dont have enough bandwith to allow test to run correctly.And its not very cool of you to put this link here anyway!!This test is more accurate from the Visualware site (but not as good as testmy.net)and when I test it has my email addy on the test, but it is a cool looking test.... Microwave
  2. You may want to check the link that swimmer posted, you may have a worm and not know it!! You can look in you registry files and see for sure but, I would check for it just to be safe:) Microwave
  3. Swimmer, Very nice and its only been around for a little over a week, this is the first I have seen this and I have McAfee....wonder why they didnt give me a heads up?? OK how did you know about it??...lol and then I failed to read his second post..... Microwave
  4. jakop92 welcome to the site, Prior to version 3.2, BitTorrent by default uses ports in the range of 6881-6889. As of 3.2 and later, (so it would help to know what version you use)the range has been extended to 6881-6999. (These are all TCP ports, BitTorrent does not use UDP.) The client starts with the lowest port in the range and sequentially tries higher ports until it can find one to which it can bind. This means that the first client you open will bind to 6881, the next to 6882, etc. Therefore, you only really need to open as many ports as simultaneous BitTorrent clients you would ever have open. For most people it's sufficient to open 6881-6889 BitTorrent is a protocol designed for transferring files. It is peer-to-peer in nature,so if I had to guess I would say your speed may be slower due to the people you are copying files from. or maybe the ports you are using!!I hope this helps:)OBTW I dont know many people that use this ,how do you like?? Microwave
  5. hmmmmm I thought thats what this test was.......Im not sure how it could be made any easier, no matter which size I click on it gives me the results............. Microwave
  6. Well of course you are, (isn't everyone)by some very unsavory people, so you may want to be careful and watch your back...... LOL.. But I do wonder whose watching the people that are watching us? Microwave
  7. I haven't seen these improve anything on a line since C.O.'s were "step offices" and that has been some years ago, one thing is they dont hurt anything, but there are a few devices that people call filters, like the device on a line that is DSL for instance which is called a filter or splitter,or to protect fax machines or even computers from lighting(yeah right)to name a few and several I have seen send tip, ring to the RJ11c correctly:) Microwave
  8. SnackySmores.tk....lol Hmmmm I have said the same thing to myself before.....apparently we both have way to much time on our hands to look and wonder what others are doing......hehe but yes thats what they are doing is "browsing" through the site and reading post and checking out things(like us) some months back CA3LE GUY sent me an email as to the amount of time I spend "browsing" the site and I was kinda surprised at how often and how much I visit....but it sure is fun:) so I guess this is a point to ponder as they say.....lol have fun:) Microwave
  9. PeePs, Below is the link to a microsoft page that says any of those will work....you still may want to read these first:) .....good luck:) Microwave
  10. PeePs, I keep hearing from many different sources that everything was fine until they loaded SP2, but I also hear from many people that they love SP2......I have posted a few articles on problems and why there are problems with SP2, of course this doesn't help you right now:( This is the reason I'm not using it, I always wait until the fix for the fix comes out and then decide if I'm gonna use it. Besides I don't think SP2 is the fix all to end all problems anyway, I keep and use a good anti-virus pgm and I am cautious about opening things(usually) and also run spy-blaster and a few other scum-ware removal tools often,but guess what I still have been jacked I think three times this year, and the last was the worst I ever had to get rid of.....and the hits just keep right on coming......lol I guess the bottom line is there are no easy answers!!! The last virus I got was my own arrogance I was looking at the code for a worm (a friend ask me to have a look see)thinking Im a lot smarter than the guy that wrote this(lol pretty stupid on my part)and that I had taken ALL the necessary steps not to have any trouble.....hehe.....it wasnt funny at the time though:) I believe computers are similar to cars in that the book may say one thing but reality is something else, this is something you will be able to fix and you will learn many things about your computer,(at least thats always been my experience) so good luck:) Microwave
  11. unstable, First Id like to welcome you to the site and hope you enjoy, my kinda guy doesn't take himself to serious:) of course it is apparent that you knew what you were talking about(I looked up the 2dollar words..LOL) and was able to give a clear picture about the subject matter(and be humble).......Thats what makes this a cool site is that not only is it the best and most accurate site, but the exchange of knowledge is given freely by people like yourself....so glad your here and keep coming back:) Microwave
  12. Well the original post was what got our attention, it had no validation link and it said downloaded 1meg. in 60 seconds thats what seemed strange and then it was edited the next day......oh well I guess it could have been and honest mistake but it looked weird thats all.....no biggie, its just we have some members that were paying attention.One other thing that was noticed is no explanation just a clean-up....but again no worries:) And of course I'm not saying he HAD to tell us anything......... Microwave
  13. Yes CA3LE GUY it is very cool, I have always thought its important to take the work seriously but not ourselves.....and some of these new guys are way off the hook....... The only problem I can see for the future is when breeding time starts Microwave
  14. First welcome to the site and hope you enjoy:) Yeah I agree your speeds are very good and don't appear to need any outside interferance.....lol......I originally tweaked mine because I was only getting half the speed I was paying for, and the reason was is that most P.C.'s are generically set up to run on a 56k modem.......looks good have fun:)
  15. Most web browsers spend a great deal of time idle. To take advantage of this unused time, a browser might be designed which would load into memory other pages which the user might want to visit after finishing with the current page. Through multi-threaded page fetches initiated in the user's computer, these pages could be cached without a significant reduction in performance of the browser's current function. This is the context that I am speaking about, although keep in mind there are several ways this term is used, but the thing that would bother me about this type of program is that I have no doubt even when someone buys this that it has tracking code along for the ride.....and on my dime.......grrrrrrr. Microwave
  16. Now I'm confused!! you came back and edited your post.......so what was the first one that you posted??? If I may suggest it may be helpful if you explained what you did so your not thought of as someone that tried to scam us......maybe its just me being a bit cynical but, now I'm curious as to what happen.........OBTW organ_shifter I really like your avatar....very nice:) Microwave
  17. SpeedyX5, Why don't you please post a valid test so we can see what your speed really is,if you follow directions and cut and paste the whole test we can then see for ourselves what your real speed is, scores without a link cant be verified and therefore mean nothing....so try again please:)See example below!! Microwave
  18. rob, The pgm you are using (and there have been many over the years)does whats called pre-fetching,I'm not sure about this one but many over the years have had all kinds of scum ware built into its program. basically when you are at a site it starts loading what it thinks you are gonna want from the page,on the other hand thats not gonna be allowed on this site..I will look further at this pgm. because I'm not familiar with it but, I am pretty sure it must work using the same concept,the other thing that this type of pgm does is download a large file from several different sites at the same time.....like copy the first half from one site (or file) and the second half from another site......and if I am wrong I will repost or someone will correct me....I can only remember naviscope as one of these types of pgms. I know there are (or were) many but thats the only one whose name I can think of at the moment....sigh....brain fart or age I'm not sure witch it is.....lol Microwave
  19. It does have some great detail and very crisp colors and, yes I guess if it got to much smaller it would defeat the purpose of the detail.... I'm just jealous cause I dont have a cool sig......LOL:) Microwave
  20. The guy that played the Superman series on T.V. in the 50's his name was also Reeves and I think he was the same age when he died .....except his was by his own hand..... But Chris Reeves was again probably the best actor to play this part, and that was a cool scene when he turned back the hands of time so he could save his main squeeze Lois(ain't love swell.....LOL) I kinda wish he would have made more S.M. movies but, he was afraid of being type cast, and it is the role he will always be remembered for..........R.I.P. SUPERMAN:( Microwave
  21. yes he was one of the best superman actors.....but as a person he brought a lot of information to people about what its like to be paralyzed, and I think that is his true legacy.....he will be missed ......... Microwave
  22. It is possible to shrink your sig, but I thought the idea was to get attention.......if you were a signer on The Declaration of Independence they would have to get another page for your sig to fit on But the person to ask would be CA3LE GUY:) have fun and enjoy..........and it does look cool:) Microwave
  23. Speedy Final, Those are really good speeds up/down.......... Microwave
  24. I have used Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal before and I thought it worked fine for freeware......at least it was when I used it..... Microwave
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