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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. I would bet a system32....dll file either corrupt or missing....you did say every file you down load???And if you can write down the exact error and let us know!! Microwave
  2. You say his profile has changed...is that a guess or do you see something that tells you this??You could try a system restore to see if it works......I know there are many that are not fans of restore or don't turn it on but in my opinion it can be a good tool to identify quickly a corrupt file somewhere:) Microwave
  3. I think Photoshop is the best but if someone doesnt know computers and wants something that will do everything for them I think Paint shop or Roxio 6 is for non techies and it also copies CD's and DVD's...and my wife is able to use it:) Microwave
  4. Yea... you COULD do that... or you ould do this, I think it works better. Open program file C:refrigerator Run program GetABeer.EXE then put your setting on "File" "options" and enable "Sit your fat ass on the couch and watch MXC on Spike" Im gonna test that out right now and make sure it works. Be back in a few.
  5. -This is my speed with a large file:) Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4108 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 501 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 73 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.04 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=626Y0I2VQ And with a smaller file...this is a little faster than my usual speed:) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5011 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 612 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 89 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.67 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=4U9NU109J
  6. Touche Microwave
  7. Yep, On the McAfee site I always test at around 6Mbps......but this is due to the small file.I just downloaded a 30MB file and my speed at the end of downloading the file is just what I post on TESTMY.NET......You tried the rest now stay with the best...:) Microwave
  8. I have the modem you are talking about and my speeds are high, but I am going to look into what you said , but it doesnt really make sense because the modem was purchased from COX Microwave
  9. Now I know I'm really old.....they look like a couple of fine looking "hood rats" to me.......and a twin spin,what more could a guy ask for???...LOL and when they stand on their heads they all look like sisters...hehe Microwave
  10. Mitsubishi makes great cars I had a Diamante a few years back and it would fly and was comfortable and held the road nice,but nothing like the stuff of today,how do you guys keep your license with these fast rides....lol 8:) Microwave
  11. VanBuren, Thats cool never seen one of those.....hmmmm listening to Mozart while I doggie paddling across the pool.....LOL.. Microwave
  12. I thought they wore a nut cup??? Anyway thats really funny....and many others to Microwave
  13. It dont get no better than this:) My first duty station in the Army was Fairbanks Alaska.....now thats friggen kold:( 8:) Microwave
  14. RTB....Troll Guy....Abuse, I have been looking for that file for a long time, and Im sure it will be useful to many people....LOL The few the proud the............. 8:) Microwave
  15. Me too I just dont wanna pay for it lol.....I have the same service as you and I pay for 3000/256.. Recently I got a email from COX that said I was now getting 4000/512 but my guess is if there was a problem, that since I pay for 3000/256 if I get close to that (within specs) there is no problem from their perspective which I would have to agree with......I have always gotten higher speeds than I pay for, which may mean not a lot of usage in my area!!! Microwave
  16. Shug, We are all wating 4u to get it started....lol....... but where have you been,there have been post.Its possible everyones doimg research on a question that was asked......"Where does the light go when it goes out" ??? maybe u no the answer.......lol Microwave
  17. Cool thats a very nice speed Microwave
  18. He did win the lottery,along with all the rest of the RED SOX fans.Lets see if it takes another 86 years for them to win again thats 2090...hmmmm I wonder how fast my computer will be then?? Oh no I wont be around to see....lol Congratulation :) Microwave
  19. I already had my values set at 10 and 20 , when I looked at the file you sent it changes it to 8 and 16.....this is also a tweak from TCP Optimizer and they will set the value at 10 and 20, I am going to try yours, but it is a tweak I have adjusted in the past and I seem to work best at 10 and 20, but thank you very much for the file and I believe it is a tweak that is helpful Microwave
  20. LOL sorry that wasnt an accusation I was just saying that free software, porn,and Crackz & Hackz among others are the biggest bearers of scum-ware.and other fun things...I know from the experiance of looking at free JPEG's.....lol Microwave
  21. Is there an easy way to see her naked? everytime I get close that fu#$&r pops out......lol Microwave
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