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Everything posted by MICROWAVE
) And I heard Sandra works very good!Even though its free nothins to good for your new baby! Right... microwave
D All-right Guys, Get started I cant wait to "watch" as the PIMPuter gets built. This is really gonna be to hot for cold hands,I know as time goes on you guys will post pics etc?Where do I get my ticket? microwave
) Mort, I dont think I could explain although I understand the concept,but here is an text. microwave PS To make it a little harder it could also be hardware problem.... Local-Area Networks Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Ethernet has been around since the late 1970s and remains the leading network technology for local-area networks (LANs) or networks contained in buildings or on a single site. Ethernet is based on a standard referred to as carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD). Simply put, an Ethernet workstation can send data packets only when no other packets are traveling on the network-when the network is "quiet." Otherwise, it waits to transmit, as a person might wait for another to speak during a conversation. If multiple stations sense an opening and start sending at the same time, a "collision" occurs. Each station then waits a random amount of time and tries to send its packet again. After 16 consecutive failed attempts, the original application that sent it must start again. As more people try to use the network, the number of collisions, errors, and subsequent retransmits grows quickly, causing a snowball effect. Collisions are normal occurrences, but too many can slow the network. When more than 50 percent of the network's total bandwidth is used, collision rates begin to cause congestion. Files take longer to print, applications take longer to open, and users are forced to wait. At 60 percent or higher, the network can slow dramatically or even grind to a halt. Ethernet's bandwidth or data- carrying capacity (also called throughput) is 10 megabits per second (Mbps). Fast Ethernet works the same way-through collision detection,-but it provides 10 times the bandwidth, at 100 Mbps. Shared Ethernet is like a single-lane highway with a 10-Mbps speed limit. Shared Fast Ethernet is like a much wider highway with a 100-Mbps speed limit there is more room for cars and they can travel at higher speeds. Switched Ethernet look likes a multilane highway with a speed limit of 10 Mbps in each lane. Switched Fast Ethernet also would be a multilane highway, but with a speed limit of 100 Mbps in each lane. Aint the internet great!!!!
) Ah, OK it is DVR but it interfaces with cable,pretty cool with PIP etc, I just wasn't sure when you mentioned a tel. line. I'm still in the 20th century using my dual VCR VHS setup with analog cable. The DVR that COX offers looks pretty killa with lots of cool features!I'm assuming the picture quality since its digital would be top shelf? Anyway thanks for the info... Microwave
) Damon, I'm not at all familiar with the above mentioned formats I'm assuming you are not talking about a regular DVR , or are you? could you steer me in a direction where maybe I could get "schooled" I would appreciate it .Thanks oops Microwave
lol I knew what you meant!!hehe.. microwave
What I meant by that is when downloading a very large file the speed that seen on the window at the end of the download, not the beginning as you know when downloading files if you have a pop up window that tells your speed it starts very fast and slows as the down progresses,it gives a good indication of speed.My paid for speed from cox.hsi is 3000/256 until recently it was much faster,dint get me wrong I'm reaaal happy with my cox.hsi setup and service,as a matter of fact I was at my uncles house yesterday and the cox tech repaired TV and hooked up broadband as always everything went great. I'm not sure if my uncle totally understands the difference yet between dial up (PUKE) and HSI but I think he will soon. microwave
Do you have an icon in taskbar or go to local conn. there is a repair btn under support that can clear any problems with the local connection.Also try to release and renew your connection,of course an old fashion reset of modem and pc to rule out those things!!! Let us know also what os etc microwave
) here are some recent speeds^^^ Download Stats Connection is 4022 kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is 491 Kb/sec Auth Code 2060331 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 72 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2060331&kbps=4022&gen=gen&a=16.5714285714286&b=6.28571428571429&c=1144.57142857143 from=dec29-2003 Download Stats Connection is 3845 kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is 469 Kb/sec Auth Code 2057676 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.18 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?top=&ta=&num=2057676&kbps=3845&gen=gen&a=3.42857142857143&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 1/06/04 Upload Stats from right now Connection is 255 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 97 KB) Upload Speed is 31 KB/sec Auth Code 253826 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 5 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 33.03 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=253826&kbps=255&gen=gen&a=6.28571428571429&b=0&c=1145.14285714286
Here goes oops , Now dont laugh this allows me to go at least 25% over my paid speed from cox.hsi, actually Im interested how fast it will really go! I have downloaded files up to 850KB/sec this is an insuarence replacement fo a laptop that got stolen from my car. microwave General Information Processor Memory Compute BIOS Vendor Mitac International BIOS Version A02 BIOS Date 03-24-03 Windows Version Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Processor Manufacturer Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.20GHz Clock Speed 2.2GHz Memory Slot 1 Description [A0] 256Mb Memory Slot 2 Description [A1] 512Mb Available Memory 71.00 % Type Description DVD/CD-ROM Drives HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B Disk Drives ST360015A 55.89Gb Storage Drive Type Drive Size Total Available Space User Available Space C NTFS 55.89Gb 51.05Gb 4.838Gb Adapters Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport Page File Size 1877.7Mb Available Page File 91.19 % Virtual Memory 2644.2Mb Available Virtual Memory 85.34 % Hardware Type Description DVD/CD-ROM Drives HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B Disk Drives ST360015A 55.89Gb Display Adapters Intel® 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller 64Mb Floppy Disk Drives (Standard floppy disk drives) Floppy disk drive IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers Intel® 82801DB Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24CB Primary IDE Channel Secondary IDE Channel Keyboards Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard Mice and Other Pointing Devices PS/2 Compatible Mouse Monitors Intel® Graphics Chipset (KCH) Driver - Intel Corporation Sound Devices Unimodem Half-Duplex Audio Device SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Swimmer, As a general rule or a guide line if you get 90% of the speed you pay for your connection is working fine,also when testing from any site I try to get an average of my speed.Its a number that can change from moment to moment due to traffic on the net or from your ISP etc. I have also found that when my PC is running optimal if I test from another site it often suggest changing something. No two systems or connections are the same so I treat tweak sites as "guide lines" and after testing many times often over a few days then I decide what my settings should be.Also I run win xp home and it appears after running for a while it may even get a little faster. I have been told due to pre-fetch and other settings this is pretty common.I guess its really never fast enough for me thats why I'm always trying to squeeze just a little bit (or byte) outta this thing, ha but it sure is fun!!!!! microwave
lorne, Thanks I think anyone who has never seen those tables will get a kick out of a zero in binary being 00000000 and a one being 00000001, makes sense to me ha ha, the first time I saw that I was thinking what the !@#$%%^ is this all about!! but its all being used in our daily lives were just not always aware of it. microwave
Very good, As you know there are many times when a calculation must be absolute or carried out to .000000162739955 or such! And computers must be precise along with my checking account....haha. Microwave
lorne, Thats reall kick ass especially with a P2 w/128megs ram,what was the mix up with your setup? microwave ps, and your pushing from BC Canada...
Yeah yeah thats what I meant,no really thats a much better explanation than I was able to write.It also further reminds me that its way over my head.It took me long enough to learn the color code ha ha microwave
Thats a good question! Well my understanding is dec is plain old English, ya know 1.00 etc. and hexadec is for scientific measurement IE computers mathematicians and such.Now if thats not exactly right someone will see my remarks and fix them or tell me I'm full of sh!@# or something.But basically thats how I understand it. microwave
Ithink your right it may have been fo OC, but I think I read somewhere also for redundancy, either way its a good thing right. microwave
OH my mistake its the PIMPuter,I didnt mean any disrespect to the new machine! microwave
D lorne, Good have fun and make that sucker rattle!!!haa.. microwave
lorne is that hexadec or dec Im guessing hexadecimal? see other reply. microwave
) hAVE GOOD COPY OF reg~~~~~lorne ForwardBufferMemory The forward buffer memory controls how much RAM TCP/IP uses for storing packet data in the router packet queue.......... Each packet queue data buffer is 256 byte long. So,the thing is, if you choose to set this registry key, the number you specify must be a multiple of 256. The default value is 74,240, which will accommodate 50 1,480-byte packets. To set the number of packet queue data buffers, create a registry key called ForwardBufferMemory beneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSet ServicesTcpipParameters The key must be a DWORD value that's assigned the number of bytes of memory you want to allocate. The minimum value must never be smaller than your MTU size. Therefore, if your MTU size is 1,454, your minimum ForwardBufferMemory size would also be 1,454. The maximum size is 0xFFFFFFFF. Howeverkeeping the value at a reasonable size. This is something that can whack your shiz bad CAUTION!! ) But I think you got it under control....Think good Regestry copy~~ microwave
Swimmer, Lets fire up that foot warmer that you showed pictures of...that thing is KILLER.Overclocking means extreme rocking!!! microwave
MiniPimps, was unable to help with problem or PM you if anything changes I will let you know.Also had problem signing in....this new stuff looks looks better than two naked virgins~~~~~well almost...hehe!Whats the price of admission and when do you start on the compimpster. microwave
Thanks I was kinda afraid to say that, but in my opinion overclocking was useful some time ago when they didn't have that kinda chip power,but now I don't really see as much of a need for overclocking as there once was.Today get the correct chip and the shiz will fly.Plus as everyone knows you ALWAYS have a temp problem... microwave
Mortiochris ) oooh...that is nice Im a big fan of western dig Raptor with that dual HD is kick ass!Of course that vid card is reallll nice too..Then theres that RAM yeah not bad at all.....as a matter of fact its pretty fuc#$%^ nice yea yea thats the ticket^^^ microwave