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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. wep encryption can be hax0red though
  2. you got no cache fever eh? atleast your honest like the rest of us, to hell with the cached test posters
  3. i wouldn't worry about it, if your connection is working good it's ok that the speed test doesn't register correctly.
  4. [glow=red,2,300]Nevermind, i Checked the requirements, it seems to meet them.[/glow]
  5. [tt]fishy? to say the least....why do people think we care about theyre *cached* or *fake* or *photoshopped* test results[/tt]
  6. aol is spyware, hooked directly on to your internet connection
  7. have you scanned for viruses/spyware ? have you used cablenut? RR is cable, so if theyre are many users in your area you will not get the advertised speed
  8. are you paying for the 6mb package or the 8mb, either way that is not bad, very good if your paying for 6mb, and not too bad if your paying for 8mb
  9. your video card is a bit old, it could be hardware lag like somone else mentioned, are you sure it meets the requirements for the game?
  10. heh, your hurting then especially if you rip dvd's like i do, the extra ram makes a ton of difference in the speed
  11. 512 ram is plenty, only need 1gig for high requirement games/video encoding
  12. if you have 1gig of ram or more, you can turn your paging file off, although some pc games do require you have a paging file no matter what, but if your like me and don't play computer games you can turn it off to get a speed incrase for daily browsing and stuff like that
  13. it's cable.
  14. naughty naughty forum user you.
  15. have you scanned for viruses/spyware?
  16. lol, what are you talking about your getting 16/kb a second.. thats bad even for dialup, i get about 8300-8700 kb a second
  17. nv, those are cached speeds clear your cache and retest
  18. 21863.32 % it's obviously not real no matter what. try uploading a file to an ftp server and see what your avergae kb/s is
  19. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 701 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 86 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sun Aug 21 13:48:48 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.91 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 89.46 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VWKDAJIU6
  20. lol, but for 50.00 a month you can get new verizon fios ( maybe ) and thats wicked fast at 15mb/2mb
  21. i wasn't sure if he was or not, good to know he wasnt crazy enough to think that was his real speed
  22. lol, i didn't really think you would use my lighter fluid suggestion, but eh that hardrive looks owned now! you could also try pouring some drano on it and putting some aluminum foil in the bucket, it sould go booM! be very careful though, as you could get hurt bad
  23. that is a cached result, which means that is not your real speed, clear your browser stored files and re-test
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