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Everything posted by anox195

  1. Thats just too funny....
  2. LOL! Squeezing monitors is awesome... I bet you feel like a dumb a$$
  3. so far im loving it...except for the fact its laggy scrolling sometimes...also its got sweet tabbed windows!
  4. ok, dude, i was speaking imaginary terms...and yes i know about all that...but just imagine....damn
  5. Well, I finally made the switch... No more IE for me. Practically all on the forum say FF's a better choice... So Ill join the people..
  6. i think they should have like no limit, what ever the consumer wants to pay should be there limit, that would be an awesome ip!
  7. My neighbors, sure they are nice people, but I envy them! They have suscom, which, has 7down/768kps up, i can easily put a splitter on the cable, and run one to my house, omfg it would own!
  8. damn those are nice speeds...try vanburens cable nut settings
  9. im so confused...at this one website i download at like 3mb/sec.... but its going WAY past my cap and it doesn't do this on any other site! if you can see the image, its posted on my webserver so it may not be up 24/7...
  10. dsl is pretty good, hardly any outages... the only bad thing is, sometimes i get static in my phone line from a wireless phone, so i switched to a wired one and everythings fine...i have been outage free for about 4 months now...but dsl gets pretty slow speeds compared to cable anyways...
  11. damn, resopalrabotnick is very smart...what do you do for a living?? i always thought isdn was basically a step up from dialup, but that sounds so technical. I also thought that isdn was basically two dialup modems working together...
  12. anox195


    Why is T1 (1.544mbps) so expensive? I mean, there are alot of cable providers that provide faster service than that, at a way cheaper price?
  13. yeah, at my school we get like 200Kbps down (due to the complete fags that click and watch vids and stuff), but the upload is cwazy...about 5Mbps...
  14. what browser do you use? if you use IE, clear your cache see if that helps... oh btw, i used vanburens cablenut and look wat it did...vanburen i HATE you, LOL, jk :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1381 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 169 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Sep 19 17:07:25 CDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.06 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 62.69 % of your hosts average (bellsouth.net)
  15. i used to play tribes, also known as t1...but it gets old...
  16. i dont know what you kids are smoking... i LOVE ie...its awesome...firefox locks up sometimes takes FOREVER to open sometimes, and its so slow firefox is garbage...IE rapes it, and always will. Dell Dimension 2400 P4 2.8ghz 512MB RAM 80GB HD
  17. whats the upload rate going to be?
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