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Everything posted by mogramjo

  1. I wanted to get back to you ARealWarlock about the 'Freakin' Hot' nature of the Valley in and around Phoenix. I'm east Phx in Scts and I don't know about others here on Cox HSI, but it seems we always have spotty disconnects etc when the weather heats up. That's a fairly well known weakness of cable internet...but try getting 'em to admit it when you call for Tech Support. Hah!
  2. Hi, and that's real nice numbers for just about any home connection. Tweaks can help. You probably already know that testing in TMN seems to work about twice as well on downloads if you clear your temporary internet files just before and the TMN speed tests and also know that doesn't 'like' firwalls either...so I clear the first and shutdown the latter..gives best 'possible'...at a given time...depending on network congestion and probably 'how many dogs ate donuts' that day/night. .
  3. Wow ARealWarlock...that IS freakin' unbelievable, but I believe you. As far as larger downloads...I so seldom actually download large files...doesn't really matter in practice. Cool though.
  4. I have had the 12/1 Cox Premier for awhile now..just got a firmware push tonight too to my SB5120 and 'zall lookin' pretty good (for a change). Of course there's always *some* fly in the ointment but I'm going to bask a bit. :smiley: = very, very, very happy with the Cox boost and a couple tweaks in Network/NIC/Advanced too I think...not to mention 5am Saturday Download posted in signature here...
  5. You're welcome Torque...I'malways wishing our TMN folks find solutions or at least clues from this clue-farm. As a footnote to my earlier post...just tweedling (as opposed to tweaking) I re-Googled on the 'Early tx threahold' recommendations, which abound and can be pretty technical. I learned that though it, (RTL8139) installed itself' at 15 originally and I yesterday changed it to 0...the actual 'default value' is supposedly 38...so, I'm a real ordinary person when I can get away with it and '38' for whatever it's worth is now what I've set it at. It hasn't hurt my throughput dn or up. Seems a bit better. I can't do the analysis of what the 'ideal' number should be for every blessed thing. Just a follow up thought while we're in there tinkering.
  6. Well, I tried the 10mb half duplex for a few tests and went back to 'auto'. Probably just a fluke but seems to 'handle' the speed tests better that way. I have Cox Premier and often get 14xxx + on TMN for dnld. Others do better, but I'm pretty happy with that. Hope you get sorted Torque. Thanks all. As usual, best place to get help and feedback!! Right here
  7. Thanks cmoore and FallowEarth...I won't chase updates for the NIC...and I will change NIC's duplex to 1/2 and see whazzup then.
  8. BIG OOPS! Sorry cmoore AND torque! wasn't meant to be addressed only to you cmoore...It's late and I'm not scoping too well...some glasses might help? Mea Culpa
  9. HI cmoore! I have that identical NIC. With the "Realtek RTL8139/810X Family Fast Ethernet NIC" updated to that 'salad' at the end of the name with the floppy that came with the device but was UNABLE to find an update link/mirror to get any supposedly newer drivers. That was last night. I'm having no trouble accessing the internet but have been experiencing fairly frequent cable modem disconnects of the *reboots itself* variety...that's why I went looking for NIC updates in hope of solving that. I'm not sure that would even help with the dis/re/connects the modem's been doing all too often (again) lately. But I gave it some thought. If I get any bright :idea:ideas on *your* issues I'll post back. I've been knee deep in NIC many hours last night. Uh..of course you've been into Device Manager/Network Adaptor/Properties/Power Management/ and depending on your usage...'can' (dis)-'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'. ...and, of course in your Network options/TCP/IP 'Realtek...'/Properties/Advanced/ (all items there deserve a hard look) I'm presently using "0" in Early Tx Threshold, as an example for slight boost in the NIC's performance. Should be including the link to the site that advised that...several 2nd-ed that e-motion there so, didn't hurt at least. 'Link speed/duplex mode' is Auto here...but I digress, I'm sure you're an even abler Googler than myself and each of our setups are different to some degree. Luck to you! Hmmmmmm
  10. I just got a pleasant surprise on the TMN largest dnld 17,164...loaded at 14,627 as you see below. I seem some real nice speeds here on this new topic. I began loving Cox better after I moved my 'office' to nearest where my cable comes into my place...with none but one split from there. Connectivity was horrible before that and we (tech and/or me) couldn't find anything wrong. Happy now though
  11. Hi Paladin, I'm just 'checking in' here. Not as intensely active here as I was for awhile...sorry you're having probs with the speed test! I'd try it but then again...ya can't push a rope. Since I have Cox Cable HSI I generally check first at their Las Vegas site, which for me, is rather close...may not be helpful to you however. Good, quick and usually reliable. http://test.lvcm.com/ Don't y'all rush and cause a DOS. See soon!!! 'mo'
  12. Hello tommie et al...back from Chicago and brought a family member with. So, not much in here but noticed the 'topic' and thought . o O ( may be as good as any to re-enter TMN )
  13. TVM for nice bon voyage :smitten:Tommie, will do re: pics, though sometimes I forget my camera. It's a 35mm. Old school
  14. Hahaha tommie...never in a million years will any computer 'get the best of me'. My own PC knows, I'm the boss, applesauce I'll be away for 4 weeks in Chicago with the 'growns' and 'grands' I hope you all have fun and keep cozy...I've just been upgrading some hardware bits and buying up some 'extras' that may be hard(er) to find soon...'hobbyist' that I am. Be back later
  15. Tweak for luck! Good morning y'all
  16. hahah that is a NICE option tommie...Zzz...thanks...yawn!! Ah, ya I guess we're a regular 'Hats 'R' Us' here <like my 'fro?
  17. Ah, Spart! Take a look re: 'Revenge' if ya wanna http://griffinsgadgets.blogspot.com/2006/01/revenge-is-dish-best-served-cold.html Tommie? Absolutamente!!! (do we have a 'sleepy smiley in a night cap'?
  18. Way to go dlewis23...congratulations to you and rest of your little family! That's probably all very true tommie...plus there's no time really to do much but care for the baby...'newbies' in this world are wonderful and not much sleep for their 'oldbie' parents either...we'll get the skinny from the proud papa, right? Eventually...days/nights have too few hours of the sleeping/eating/relaxing kind. Young family..how super is that? Way!
  19. That is SO true...and I'm guilty as well...as I read your last comment I started laughing out loud...neighbors must think a looney bird lives here...1:30am..known to live alone and likes it..me..hahahahha out the open window..'Teraflops' time lightspeed..we'd all go:"Great, now how about my upload..when will THAT get 'fixed'...hahahaha
  20. Well, I like fast too...as much or more than anyone..but 'boost' hasn't come here yet...if it ever does because some have said Cox won't deploy in Ph.AZ until someone like Comcast does...that's the 'market forces' way of things Uh, I probably shouldn't say this, but until and *if* 12/1 service can be delivered routinely and well for those of us here in Phx area...(and *we* mostly tweak to max), I'm not going to get too excited whether boost is here or not... ...but great looking speeds there icg! That probably helps some folks more than others...good luck all. Wake me when the dlewis23 vs tommie war is over...I'm a prisoner of war. Hah. Is it Feb3rd yet? my choice for when we at TMN hit 40K members. ZZzzz... Will check back later...need to do some backups so I can have fun making mistakes
  21. Ty dawn for the 'ty' re: Google Heart link...I feel badly for you Tommie I've got three grown 'kids' and they've got kids and my worst nightmare would be to lose one...no matter what. Me first Lord. Amen. Hugs and more happy days *are* coming...but loss does make life more sweet...in recalling the good times. I usually reserve my 'hugs' for chat room friends tommie, but I feel I can risk embarrassing you HUGE HUG!!!! Ahhh! Ooof! Whew!
  22. True granpa...we're all getting older by the nano-second...can't let that stop us. I'm not into either online or offline 'gaming' in the sense that it's meant here. Online Gaming for me? "Googling", having formed the *perfect* search string for my purposes!!! (__)? Happy (early) Valentine's Day! http://www.google.com/heart/heart01.html <awww!
  23. "Online Gaming Positives" From: http://www.units.muohio.edu/psybersite/cyberspace/onlinegames/positive.shtml Good morning all...anyone for 'Pong'? Hee
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