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Everything posted by |3v|lon3|

  1. probably used my advice.. searched on google http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=what+kind+of+modem+do+i+have lol jk..
  2. yea i like this one keeps logs of ur tests
  3. new version where?
  4. glad we got it resolved without mods jumping in on it
  5. yea i think ill start doing that.. lol
  6. yeah but see i gave him the link to google search results only if he clicked and tryed on his own is all im trying to get him to do.. is TRY
  7. yah i know now i know u arent
  8. disable those anti virus and try again and the firewall
  9. lol yea i eased up on u blunted.. u always showing out btw omg look i spelled you wrong again lol
  10. im not trying to be perfect for anyone especially you.. your the one who cant seem to try and fix stuff on his own
  11. yea bad ass client and very small to
  12. sorry i didnt get to ya in time man.. but i found the solution www.google.com here http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=password+lock+my+screen&spell=1 i mean seriously my god u arent even trying
  13. maybe http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm ??
  14. |3v|lon3|


    read what the other posters have said about it being a 2800 jeez...
  15. yea i have hd And no it never goes out .. we just had a terrible snow storm like a month ago and it didnt flicker once.. im in arkansas
  16. i pay 45 bucks a month for 3 dvr's and 2 regular boxes i have all the hbo cinemax channels.. so im good to go
  17. i thought the old systems were dial up based.. on the upload side
  18. haha everything is on google just gotta know how to use it.. maybe you might have to dig a lot to find it.. and some are to lazy to do that and just come here and ask.. you ask why is there a help forum here? and on other sites.. google indexes them u search google therefor u find the answer u need
  19. lmao :haha:
  20. how old are you?
  21. lol yea but u should TRY URSELF before asking others.
  22. go to google and search for ur bios maker and or motherboard maker.. jeez GOOGLE!!!!
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