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Everything posted by |3v|lon3|

  1. english speaking site.. jeez
  2. yah this will work ive heard it.. Try it man
  3. the second link is working just fine
  4. haha... everyone read that^^ .. tsk tsk
  5. Yah but bright yellow smiles? At least a darker color or something.. Like i said doesnt match the theme.. but doesnt matter what i say!
  6. Doesnt really match the theme of the site..
  7. why i keep gettin smiles lol http://www.testmy.net/images/okay.gif kinda cheesy
  8. Sorry im not in the best of mind right now.. Heh kinda outta it sorry man
  9. ur like blunted.. u like to show off at least u eased off of posting ur speeds as much as him.!
  10. spamming look like the url has been posted several times
  11. i got a warranty with mine if anything goes wrong with mine within like i think 8 years theyll come out for free and fix it! go me! but i sure payed for it though up front =
  12. with my isp alltel.. i can bind to as many ips that i want lol
  13. thread resurrection
  14. |3v|lon3|


  15. yep same here
  16. yea just doing it like that would work.. truth be told ive never grounded myself.. not that i recommend u do it.. but ive never ruined a part.. sometimes i even let the mobo sit on the floor or throw it on the floor and its never been ruined.. lol just my luck i guess
  17. just touch the case on the outside to discharge.. btw is this the only place u know how to ask for help?? go to google sheesh
  18. yah getting caught cloning macs? oh yes u really know it.. im scared
  19. thing is its getting old.. And i dont really care i told u and u know tcniso.. i can get more than u if i wanted.. but its ashame i cant get cable here or id have better than u edit: spelling
  20. to show off
  21. we all know this gets old .. jeez
  22. yea i enjoyed the second one
  23. you can download the attached tool and it will show you your modems config information
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