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Everything posted by |3v|lon3|

  1. no u can do custom firmware on anything except v5
  2. Didnt.. u look at my screenshot .. its under that tab on the picture
  3. lol calm down man...
  4. Sure can u prv msg me your aim or msn? because i dont look at these forums much
  5. no i meant i had got a firmware one time where my connection would drop randomly.. and everything like yours.. so i got a diff firmware
  6. Lol maybe you got the wrong one
  7. Yea i know it might put a stress on the router but ive never ever had any problems i just keep it running at 100% for as long as its been on there i went right away and jacked the settings up.. no random reboots or anything works perfect I will look for the link k
  8. The antennas that u bought doesnt really matter there is a firmware on that site to where u can increase it to 25 dB on the basic antennas
  9. Oh my Greek.. Come on
  10. mirror is down
  11. Or you can use the firmware i am.. its in the top right of the picture.. and look at the bottom u can change the transmit power from the default to the max that really helps on signal boost
  12. what do you mean what am i talking about? the custom firmware option? or the dont get the v5?
  13. And you can use custom firmware.. Dont get a v5 if u want to
  14. dont help he knows since him and blunted2 whom ive come to see are the same person he should know how to find the ping to his first hop
  15. yes.. read the topic he asked for a comment
  16. look like u have 256 up and down http://www.netins.net/dsl/megabit.html
  17. ok
  18. i dont see why u couldnt mod the firmware like they do on the sb5100s from tcniso...
  19. lol is that even possible? custom firmware on his 56k? i dont see why it isnt possible!
  20. looks average to be 1200 bucks.. u can click the find retailer icon and itll tell u the prices there
  21. hollywood ur no longer needed on this thread ive offered u help many times.. in prv msg
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