I feel your pain...lol But I would wait and go at like 1:00AM.....most Walmarts are open all night ...and there's a lot less people then....and don't ask me how I know that....
Well...looking at your IP....you seem to be somewhere in Ireland.
You might want to try testing from a site in the UK as crossing the ocean and running through who knows what connection will tend to slow things down.
We used to have a mirror in the UK..but I think it's gone now.
Hope this helps a little....and welcome to the forum.
I guess I fail to see the real concern here.....hitting 100% of a capped line is not often done.
Your running at 1464 of the 1500 that your alloted. The difference is 36 bits......that divided by 8 (which is a byte) is equal to 4.5 bytes.....or 4.5 caractors per sec.
Kbs = kilo BITS per sec
kBs = kilo BYTES per sec
Bytes are 8 times bigger than bites
So your 179 times 8 = 1432 Kbs.......still not a whole lot to worry about there....but that's just MY opinion....
Oh yeah....1500Kbs does = 1.5 Mbs....
Hope it a great one old man....sorry....I was out of town till tonight...
/happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
Well....happy birthday Miss Priss.....sorry to be so late...
And just for the record......what's with trashing all the B-day threads...you people turned mine into a thread about assholes.....(ok...maybe I can see that one) ....but this one turned into stuffed peckers.....what the hell...