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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. How about we keep it in english huh....
  2. I got some about 6 weeks ago....they billed me $2.45.....and about 2 weeks ago...and a house down the street I'm working on...$2.98....their all crooks....
  3. Well....the "REVEREND"....hasn't been on this site for three years now... :haha: But if you explain your issues...becides just being slow...I'm sure you'll get the help you need... And welcome ...
  4. Well......I guess that depends on what provider you have.. :2funny: In my case.....it's about the same....three days for any response...
  5. NO.....
  6. Well somebody better be praying for this country....God knows we need it....lol Just look at the shape it's in.....
  7. I didn't by any....put it in another computer....and after getting it to spin up..down loaded the whole damn thing.... and yes it's $5,000.00 for them to look at it under their expidite service....it's all on their website....with the telephone number to call...
  8. Seagate will do it........starts at 5K tho......for the expidite service.. I just call them a few weeks ago....said the hell with it and did it myself.....
  9. Burgers are gettia' smaller..???? I thought it was just my eyesight going to hell... Thanks for the info....I feel better already..lol
  10. Well Roco.....now that you mention it...I seem to have a lot of them.. You know the old saying..."some days are better than others"...I keep having the others...lol
  11. Well...the link opens with Dway....oops....I mean Hughes.net... And welcome to the forum...
  12. How about we all wish CA3LE (the site owner if you didn't know)a very Happy Birthday!! :bday: Hope it's another good one man...
  13. The bigger amp won't get you more bandwidth.....it'll just give you more burn through in rain/snow/fog. It's only the higher end packages that give you more bandwidth.
  14. Well...yes....and yes.....it's pretty much worked that way for the eight years I've had it....and doubt it'll improve much anytime soon... A lot of comercial accounts suck up a whole bunch of bandwidth during the day.
  15. Welcome to the forum Rem......what does it take to unfreeze it....just time and it fixes it's self.....or do you have to reboot it??
  16. I think we need a list of the losers to go along side of this one....lol
  17. Dream on... :2funny: :2funny:
  18. Go with it...lol
  19. Hey.......I'm gettin' by sparky.......that's about all I'll say for it......
  20. I doubt if it's available here......I barley get cell phone service.....and even with that I have to go outside most of the time...
  21. Way to go sparky......I'm still stuck with them for now.....as it would be more money to go to dial up with a second line....but there's hope on the horizon...lol
  22. Well I thought you missed me... .......but I guess you don't..
  23. Happy Birthday young man...hope life treats you well....
  24. My guess is that your running through several proxy servers....and that is where they are located.... As in my case ...it'll say Germantown Maryland....I'm at least 600 miles from there....but that is where the Network Operation Center is located. Your ISP can still be tracked to you through the company though.
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