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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. I IM'ed Cable's cell phone 10+ hours ago in regard to it....no clue here.. Guess I could call him...
  2. Reply #4 is one way....but I 'm sure there's others....try a few diffrent searches.. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9553.0
  3. I still can't run a speed test either....I PM'ed cable this morning about it.. OK...set an IM to his cell phone...
  4. It's a server error....may have been doing a backup or update at that time of the day..
  5. There's no such thing as a domain name for broadband...
  6. Kewl.....and right now I bid $.40 usd for the first one...bring it on ....
  7. That's right.....cause nothing from nothing is still nothing.....they CAN'T depreciate...
  8. I'm kinda thinking that he don't want to use ...HIS....bank....lol
  9. You don't suppose all that weather over Maryland could have anything to do with it do ya..
  10. Your last post is at the bottom of page 3...lol
  11. First of all....SmarTest assumes that you have no connection....so it starts with a small file and continues to step up the file size till it takes 7 seconds or more to down load the file....thus establishing a stable connection. If it says that your speed is slower than your advertised speed....then it really is...a meter on a torrent is not accuracy.
  12. Yes wireless routers are slower than cabled connections.....however....we have Hughs...so that is really not an issue for us..even our best connection is a nonplayer where routers are concerned...lol If you had a 15 meg FIOS connection....you would notice it...but at 1 meg....the router is still 10 times faster that our connection...
  13. Your hughs modem only has 1 output....so if your only hooking up 1 computer then that is a true statement... However if you are planning to use 2 or more computers...then each computer must have a wireless adapter plugged into it and then they need diffrent addresses to talk to the router. I have 4 computers hooked to my 6000....3 are in the same room and run through a switch....and 1 is upstairs and runs through a wireless router....my 12 yr old hooked that one up..so it can't be too tough...lol The router you buy will have simple instructions with it...but usually only comes with a single adapter for 1 computer...so you'll either need another adapter ..or a switch and cable...
  14. Then it hooks up very easily.....just plug your modem into the router ...set the addresses and away you go..
  15. What type system do you have ....4000.....6000....7000..??
  16. There....that better.. Hey tommie......boat this...
  17. Yea Roco I know what ya mean....it's the motion in the ocean......but it still takes a long damn time to get to England in a row boat... :2funny: :2funny:
  18. Hey tommie....you know the way Roco talks.....I'm suprised there's nothing hanging out of his shorts... .....must not really be him....
  19. If it don't...give us a shout...
  20. OK....first off you don't have DSL...that is a dedicated phone line ......you do have wildblue though... ....we don't have a lot of wildblue users here but the link below will take you to the forum for them. And we can try to help you out here...as I too am a sat user....but somewhat diffrent. Quite frankly..during peak times of the day...like now....you loose band width and things slow down.. Go see what you can find.. http://www.testmy.net/b-78
  21. C-Money17 welcome.....and I didn't know wildblue had DSL....I thought they were all satillite systems.....you sure it's DSL??
  22. sjurbanjr welcome to the forum......and what is your up load speed??
  23. Your quite welcome.....and glade to have you here.....if you have anymore questions just ask away...
  24. I didn't know Ebay sold horror flicks.....
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