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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. Gee thanks for those words of wisdom Roco....in my case .....i guess the future ain't lookin to bright...
  2. Why you crying.....you got a faster U/L.....
  3. Sure..........you won it.........and got a FREE membership..... :haha: but really....not to my knowledge...
  4. :haha:
  5. But the #1 reason I don't like water.....do you know what fish do in water I'm not giving some carp a BJ by proxy
  6. Or if it came from yellow snow.,....
  7. the problem doesn't indicate that A..or ..B ..ever change.....I read it as ..A>..being a voltage level..perhaps....and B..something like gnd. It only indicates that the control signal changes... and the orgate may need a state indicator on the B line to make it pass...
  8. peeps...it would seem to me that A...and B...both go to an andgate with the control signal being the second leg on each. They resove to an orgate that becomes the output. Looks good from here...
  9. tommie....I use the black theme.....it's not an option in that one....
  10. tommie....you should feel lucky........I don't even have a buddies list...
  11. Jennifer.........welcome to the forum....and the 4000 is faster because the software for it resides in the computer that it's hooked to.....whereas the 6000 has it embedded in the modem and it's controlled by Dway/ hughs....it's downloaded by them at will.....anytime they please.....hope that helps..
  12. Sorry...I don't have time for this right now......the UPS guy just showed up.... But I'll work on it later.....
  13. So....tell me.....is there a diffrence between getting confused .....and having a blond moment.....I'm a guy so I wouldn't know...9 well at least till UPS comes for the package I'm a guy)
  14. Ebay some one will buy it....
  15. I down graded from the 4000 to the 6000.....wish I haden't...but I can't see the money for the 7000....upload is a little better...but not much from the results that I've seen....down load is very close to the same....so what's the gain.....15 months..
  16. You can always look on Ebay....there never seems to be a shortage..
  17. Tommie...it says tripod setup.....so it's a portable unit for a motorhome and such..
  18. Are you in fact locked on amc9?? cause it'll read a Dway signal on any sat....but your only commissioned on amc9.....make sense...
  19. White Wedding.....Billy Idol cause their pretty scary to me...
  20. NO shit... :haha:
  21. Alice Cooper.....dead babies...
  22. Haunted House by Jumpin' Gene Simmons... FIRE by Arthur Brown....
  23. This topic has been removed.
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