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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. So what day we gonna hit 200K in posts??? I guess the 21st of Jan. and I got 50 TMN buck on it
  2. This is actually member 40K which is what CA3LE'S original rules were....however that's not what was spelled out here..... Name: walkerjones Posts: 0 (N/A per day) Position: IP: *.*.*.* Hostname: Date Registered: Yesterday at 06:23:52 PM dlewis23 EDIT: Removed IP
  3. Tommie.....I was right the last two times we played this....
  4. Roco....the latest member number is 39424...so we still need 576.....@ 51.4 registerations per day that's 12 days from now....or...the 18th..
  5. Hey...nobody picked the 18th of Jan.....so I just did...
  6. I disagree....I think the view is better without the bush......
  7. Hey...I thought you were going to sleep.............alone.........without "the hair"....
  8. Um...yeah Ryan....I think it was in reguard to the days thing....not the messages..
  9. oohhh....shut up and sit down....here
  10. Hang on.....let me go shave so the runway is slippery....
  11. Ha Ha Ha .....now go train your "hair" to lay down...
  12. No comment.....especially tonight....and here...
  13. Hey roco....life's a bitch........then you divorce a few....lol
  14. As I sit in solitude ...I would like to wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas ...and good night to all........
  15. I already have all that....I want something different...lol
  16. To one of the best....fuck the rest.. :bday:
  17. Ya know Roco.....I aint got much in life.....but what I got I wanna keep... I'll find something to use it for....
  18. That mean old Mr gravity..look what he went and did.....lol
  19. But I thought you were the "Got Milk" person...
  20. I'm impressed......wish I could get it........
  21. yeah well ....I'm not selling an off shore racer.....and it still takes a long time to get to england in a row boat....so I'm not sure I have the marketing stratagy that's needed....lol
  22. I hear ya Roco.....and remember .....ashes to ashes.....dust to dust....if it weren't for women..your peckers would rust :haha: Anyone wanna buy some scrap iron....lol
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