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Everything posted by DaKeith

  1. ok, if u have 2 cables, set both drives to master and on the connection closest to the outside of the board, put it on the hdd, and the one closest to the middle of the board, hook it to the dvd, outside should be IDE 1 and inside should be IDE2 if i am thinking right, but make sure both drives are set to master
  2. ok, when u turn the computer on, u might have to look fast are go into the bios, but u should see the info about the hdd and the dvd drive. do u see that
  3. opps, messed up, one set to master and one set to slave
  4. ok, i take it u have 2 IDE controllers are 2 places to hook up a IDE cable, since u are only useing one, 1 of the drives should be set to slave are cable select, if u tried useing 2 cables u would have to change that. which drive is hooked up to the end of the cable
  5. ok, u do have the hdd and the dvd drive hooked to 2 differnet cables right?? If not that could cause a problem
  6. ok little confused, how does it load when the harddrive is unhooked?? do u have 2 HDDs
  7. thats because fdisk isnt on the xp disk
  8. lol yea, but i know the 98 startup disk has fdisk in it, i dont think 2000 are xp doesnt
  9. what floppy are u useing??
  10. i dont think the xp start up has Fdisk in it, try 98 startup disk
  11. DaKeith


    i knew when i bought the amd that it would be faster, but to Jamaicarocks AMD is not advertising( like my 2800) that cpu to be a 2.8 GHz cpu, its a 2800 that would compete and perfprm a little better than the P4 2.8. now if it was called the amd 2.8, it would have to be clocked at 2.8, instead of 2.1
  12. anyone have any idea how long it will take for the other markets to upgrade, I know my ISP is switching to Comcast sometime in the next few months, I really hope Comcast doesnt come in and screw up this market, but then again i dont think they could mess it up any worse than it allready is
  13. i would use the 98 startup disk and use the fdisk on the startup and delete the partion that way and when u put ur windows cd back in u should not have any problems from there.
  14. DaKeith


    well let me throw this at u, i have a p4 2.8 and just built a second system useing AMD and its a amd 64 3200, i have to say even though its clocked at 2.1 i think, its faster than my p4 2.8
  15. hmm, better hope they dont mess anything else up lol
  16. have u tried rebooting ur modem
  17. ok first, I think theres a teamspeak server file and a client file, not sure but me and my friends use Ventrilo(much better in my opion) but if theres not 2 diff file, try to install teamspeak into a diff folder and use one program as the server and one as the client. hope this might help u out
  18. when u boot up, do u have the option of not installing the new hardware, and get booted up and then put the dell cd in and install the drivers that way, its the old drivers, but they should work. could u have DL the wrong drivers
  19. do u have any friends that live close to u that are running a wireless nework, if do could u go to his house and see if the problem happens there. could tell us if the problem is in the router are the card
  20. well being a X bellsouth customer, i can relate to what he is saying. Bellsouth just rolled out a new tier but has not upgraded there plans in over 2-3 years while most of the big ISPs are upgrading there plans bellsouth wouldnt, they wanted a new plan(just didnt make much sense to me) I guess since Bellsouth pretty much owns the Southeast they can do what they want and when they want. thats why i changed ISPs
  21. when it starts droping, how far are u from the router and how many walls is it going thru?
  22. dont post much, but read thru the forums alot thru the day
  23. this is a long shot, but u have hooked the puter straight to the modem, try it again and use the other cat5 cable this time and lets rule out the cable as being the problem..
  24. i think ur problem is in the router, maybe the config got screwed up somehow are something has happened, ur brother that is wireless is faster then ur puter when u are wired, sounds like something got messed up
  25. have u tried to do any gaming when u are not pluged up into the router?
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