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i would test the power supply out before i decided the MB was dead
well, u could try to take it back to where it was and see if it comes on, and if it does, than u might have a bad outlet are the breaker might have triped. and if it doent come on there, u powersupply might have decided to die on u.
that is sweet, just hope they dont catch on to up load
had problems like that before here in my neck of the woods, i had to copy my trace routes( made a few, different times of the day) and take it to my ISP and show them where the problem was. they put a ticket in for it to be fixed and it took a week are so, but it was fixed
the atari was fun, but the arcade games where great also, luckly i came across Mame32 and i am able to play alot of the old games
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DaKeith replied to i2d | ScruFFy |'s topic in Show off your speed
::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8501 Kbps about 8.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 1038 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/14 - 3:11pm Bottom Line:: 152X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.99 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 5.766 seconds to complete Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7. Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 99.46 % faster than the with suscom 7/768 -
have u tried jsut typing A:/ to get the A prompt, then type fdisk to to delete the partion on that drive
good good, i think the LS is somthing else, but since i dont know what it is. i cant say but glad u go it working
so everything is working again and about the other problem, not sure what ua re talking about, butifs working good
well this is the last thing i can think of trying, download the xp startup disk and extract them to 6 floppy disk the reason for doing it that way, u get the option for cdrom support, if that doesnt work i am out of ideas
going to ask a stupid question, but this xp disk is bootable right, not a copied disk are anyting
i think u did it wrong, u have to extract the files onto the floppy disk, and for know, change to A.cdrom, c setting. after u extracted put the floppy in and reboot
yes, i meant floopy disk but maybe Disturbed has a few ideas
i know the feeling, trust me
if u have the time u could take the other out and just put it on top of ur pc(make sure it dosent fall) and just run ur cables up to it and see what happens from there, but i wouldnt think ur dvd drive is bad, it was working before right? u could always try this, go to MS and download the startup disk for xp and use them to get started and that way u couldn cdrom support but u are going to need 6 disk for that
im guessing u dont have a spare cdrom drive laying around do u? are u could try this, go into bios and put cdrom as first boot option if u have not done it allready
try RealVNC, i have had good luck with that program
yea, little tired, not making much sense to myself after reading it again lol. this isnt a new hdd is are what happen to make u want to reformatt this drive
on IDE 1 and IDe 2 are on the same IDE
loading to what, i ghost drive lol J/k
updating the bios, i wouldnt think that would have anyting to do with it. and the cmos, i dont know. but is it showing the the hdd on ide 1 and dvd on ide 2
all drives are set to master?? and in the bios are u seeing both drives and both set to master
thanks, just making sure
swimmer correct me if im wrong, but i have always heard that having the hdd drive and the cdrom drive on the same cable is not good, it will cause all kinds of problems.