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Everything posted by supersteven

  1. Maxthon is my favorite. Firefox is good too.
  2. Christmas in a half hour. Bedtime. Merry Christmas everyone.
  3. God bless Kaspersky.
  4. I'm sitting on 100 too. Anybody who wants one from the new guy can pm me or just post it here.
  5. I am now a proud user of Kaspersky and I love it. After I fixed the problem with it blocking your isp, it's perfect. I love it. Everyone should use it. As for Mcaffe or Norton, I've used both and don't like either but I'd rather use Norton.
  6. On the subject of Kaspersky, does anyone know where the thread is that tells you how to fix it's screwing up of your internet connection. Everytime I try to download it and install it, I lose my connection. Until I figure that out, I'm stuck with Symantec. EDIT- never mind, I found it.
  7. I didn't bother to look since I like the default theme.
  8. Thanks a lot. I'm considering that Enermax strongly.
  9. I am planning on building a computer in the near future and I don't know what power supplies are good and what aren't. I am planning on running a AMD Athlon 4800+ or something similar, so I will probably need a lot of juice for fans and other things. I don't know how much money I have in the bank, so just throw nice brands and models at me if you want. Thanks a lot. If I'm not being specific, I'm sorry, I'm just planning right now.
  10. Haha thanks.
  11. I use Winamp and love it. Why? I don't know. I just do.
  12. I'm super and my name is Steven.
  13. I hate PETA with such a passion.
  14. I'm gonna reformat it tomorrow. I'm backing my school stuff up as we speak. Thanks for all the help guys. I'm definitely hanging around this site.
  15. Just to make it clear, I have not reformatted yet. I will continue to do all I can but if it hits Saturday and it isn't fixed I will. I don't want to quit.
  16. I've decided to surrender and reformat my computer Saturday. Thank you all for the help, especially FallowEarth, it's been an honor. I will continue to post here. I love this place.
  17. Hmmmmm I can't seem to figure out how to destroy them.
  18. Thank you FallowEarth!!! It will be exterminated after I eat my steak dinner.
  19. Ok I will in a little bit. Once again. thank you for the help. It is most appreciated.
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