Yah plan on keeping this one for a while. later down the road may get one for the bedroom. The only problem i have found with this tv is my center channel speaker block the remote signal so im going to haft to find another place for the center. Other than that the tv is awesome
I used to have a godaddy account and it seem to be pretty good, and the price was reasonable. Im shur there are better ones but i was happy with godaddy
I may just go with the toshiba from best buy I have a 12% off coupon i can use towards it. Thanks for the advise. Going to pick it up today can wait to get it hooked up
Yah the tv I want the most is the Toshiba, I was kinda skeptical about the sharp sence it wasnt the aquos line of tv. Ive also looked at samsung they make really good lcd, but wish the price were more around the toshiba
Im about to go out and buy a new tv for the living room. Here's a couple ive been looking at. Im open to suggestions and I have a price limit of 1400 bucks
Sharp 46" 1080p (I can get 10% off here)
Toshiba Regza 42" 1080p
Insignia 42" 1080p
Are you in the EVDO Coverage Area? Whats your signal strength? Your speeds are really low if your on the evdo network, its going to take some tweaking, but make shur you are in the evdo coverage area