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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by justinlay

  1. My advertised speeds are 2000/512
  2. Welcome to the forum jay_shanghai whats your advertised speeds? Your also aways from the testmy sever, I would try and use another mirror. http://www.testmy.net/tools/mirrors.php#World-Servers
  3. Nice!! disturbed So you a month ahead of us? :haha:
  4. Ca3le i have that same system, and you made a great choice. They give out some clean sound
  5. I have a DI-524 and my WLAN blinks
  6. i didnt do much playing around but i got the first two to work in Office Xp, Word, with XP Home
  7. damn!! Thats one hell of a price tag!
  8. Happy birthday Jeff Walker. yah my birthday was last tuesday 22
  9. Ive never heard of being to far and get less bandwidth? Im also on wireless isp but i have 2.4Ghz equipment and im suppost to be out of reach. and i constaly get my advertised speed 2/512
  10. you could check and see if your video card is trying to overheat. Even what dlewis23 said check and see you have your drivers up to date.
  11. I got a package about a month ago from Fedex, and i was home they didnt even knock or anything. They just left it on my front porch. Its was a brand new motorola SLVR with iTunes
  12. He got you there jesusmta
  13. It works fine for me, but my speeds are alittle slower
  14. Those are just crazy!
  15. Damn. Ill be finding a way to fix it myself
  16. well that would explain it. If you want to you could delete the trend "something wrong with testmy"
  17. Heres mine. speedtest isn't as accurate as testmy. My latency is lower at testmy?
  18. what you paying a month for that connection?
  19. Your telling me when i bought the house I had to get them out a week later and fix it. It had a leak inside the house. Then about a month later a new leak outside in the coil. so they put a new coil in it and ran for another 2 months. Then again it went down. So I told them i need someone that know what the hell there doing and fix this thing. This time there was a restrition at a coupling (outside), and there was something else. *Knock on wood* its working fine
  20. my outside unit does say 4ton in it. no tommie i dont have a basement i have a moble home Edit: I did notice when i went outside i did notice the coils where dirty
  21. The paper from my last work assignment its says size 4 ton. I dont know if i should go by that or the house paperwork, and its almost a 1500 SQ foot home. So far today its running pretty good i have it set to 82 and its runs about 5 mins every 20 mins and so on
  22. Well my house or a manurfacture Home if you want to call it is only a year old, all i know it has a energy star on it. If I had some trees it would help me quite some bit.All i see is the btus 30990 and says 2.5 Max ton size
  23. The last time i had the AC guy out (3 months back) i was asking him why it was having a hard time cooling the house down. He told me the unit is to big? My house is about 1500 Sq foot. and it has a 4 ton unit. My paperwork says the max size is suppost to be 2.5 ton. He said what it does is its trying to cool the house down faster than it can take the humitly out of the air? its that ture? When its 95 or below it cools great, but higher that 95 it runs quite longer.
  24. I give Testmy a 110%. Hell i have it set as my home page in all my browsers
  25. My computer aswell is heating my room up and its a pretty good size room. I also live in texas and its been 100+. I just turned my computer off when not in use, and also saves energy which also going up
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