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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. yeah both of them were in when we were trying it, I'll pull the PCI one out next time. And yeah nothing shows with the onboard. The onboard is better than the PCI one he has so thats why he wants to use that but it wont work. And he's not trying to buy a new card so the agp is out of the question..
  2. My friend has a custom built pc which is prolly about 5 years old. He has a problem with the graphics card thats built into the mother board.. it wont work. So he added on a pci graphics card but its terrible. He was wondering if there was any way to fix the onboard graphics card so I tried installing drivers and such but nothing worked. I tried getting to the bios on his computer but it doesnt even give you an option on startup so im kinda out of ideas help would be appreciated!
  3. nah I'd go with the Intel one for 750. like I said 800 is my MAX but id rather spend less.
  4. yeah 700 is pushing it as it is.. 1000 plus is a no go. I'm liking the gateway.. I'll check if they have it in store.
  5. lol its a community college, the laptop isnt going to be for anything majorrr. Just convenient to write essays and other things. Cant forget browsing and stuff at home. Basically an average laptop. I would LOVE to get a mac... but the price is a major issue.
  6. Okay so college is approaching... and I'm thinking about getting a laptop. Now I know my best bet would be to order it online... but my moms gonna pay and her rules are that we gotta buy it in the store. So i would appreciate it if you guys could pick out some decent laptops for me to look into preferably on like bestbuy.com or circuitcity.com whatever major stores you can think of. I'm looking to spend about 700-800 Thanks in advance everyoneee!!
  7. lmaoo would you guys believe that my HD box broke already?
  8. awesome, thanks for the help dudeee!
  9. ohhh okay, that wont mess up my activation though if I change the hookup, right?
  10. wait.. right now i have coax AND the component cables hooked up. Your sure thats right? And right now its being activated by comcast. but like i'm not sure if my Tv should be in Tuner mode or component mode. In tuner mode i see a "please wait" screen sometimes so im thinking tuner is right.
  11. it goes from the wall to the tuner with a coax. And the component cables are hooked up to the tv. Do I have to have another coax running from the box to the tv? becuase on the box theres a cable in and out for coax
  12. nvm i got it, Its set to tuner. But now my frigging reciever isnt automatically turning off and "activating" UGH!
  13. okay so i got digital cable to my house, got the hd box. hooked it up on my hdtv, and nothing is working. Does the tv mode have to be on component or does it have to be on tuner? I'm soo frustrated/confused. Immediate help would be appreciated. ty
  14. ha shug, its not wrong, just the truth man just the truth. :DD
  15. wooo congrats roco, make TMN proud my man.
  16. WOW Coknuck, thats an amazing add on. Thank you!
  17. http://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php it says I type at 89 WPM anyone else wanna share theirs?
  18. eh, last link is dead. http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Panasonic-56-inch-1080p-LIFI-Rear-Projection-HDTV/2925725/product.html?cid=123620&fp=F&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=11092822-000-000 theres another link to the tv
  19. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8396032&st=panasonic+lifi&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1179876928639 its in our basement, beautiful picture!
  20. Ryan314

    problem lmao

    i dont even know i just fiddled with the av jacks and the audio worked lmao.
  21. Ryan314

    problem lmao

    haha welll the audio problem is fixed... but now when im playing on my xbox and its in hd mode it skips while im playing. like it'll jump back and forth every now and then if that makes sense. WTF i have so many problems lmao.
  22. Ryan314

    problem lmao

    Okay so i just got a new tv, hooked my 360 up to it with the hd cables and the sound cables etc and theres a buzzing coming from the right of the tv, but the buzz only happens when the 360 is on so i dont think the speaker is blown. What could this be?!
  23. lol im not paying the electric bill! mwhaha. yeah i guess ill go with this set.
  24. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8205818&st=insignia&lp=5&type=product&cp=1&id=1165610666661 its gotta be from bestbuy and its gotta be 400 or less. hows that look?
  25. lol the program is supposed to convert it dude. Thats why it takes so long, it converts videos to work on the zune. Hense it saying "converting *the movie*" every time i put a movie on..... but the program ONLY recognizes mp4 and WMV i believe
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