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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Its not very often you find retailer prices that compare with newegg. Good find Swimmer!
  2. As long as it isnt copyrighted or something I dont believe they are.
  3. hahaha super hard. I want it. Edit: He sounds like a cheap borat impersonator hahahaha
  4. AHH NO ITS MY PET BEAVER!!!! NOOO !!!! I'll get the guy who did this to my pet beaver.
  5. Medical transcripting aka typing for doctors is a pretty good job. Problem is finding a doctors office. Usually they are short on typers so if you ask they usually give you information and probably interview or something.
  6. :2funny: :2funny:
  7. I heard the Tom-Tom's are suppposed to be good. My friend (new driver) recently bought a 300 dollar tom tom at bestbuy and he swears by it.
  8. http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=quickshot No idea how this program works due to the fact that I have never tried it, but it seems promising.
  9. Im not AWOL, just lurking around keeping to myself lately.
  10. Dont bother with that guy, I have THREE gigs of ram
  11. areTMN bucks worth saving ? Yes = my answer.
  12. In most of them, your supposed to install the fonts that comes with the theme first do that by going to start>run>fonts and just drag the font file in there. then you can click the .mystyle I believe. Most of them come with a readme that provides instructions so thats what I go by.
  13. The dowload is a dead link for me.
  14. That happens to me as well man, I'm using firefox 2.0 or whatever the newest one is.
  15. Bob Dylan... man thats some good stuff. I love almost all of the songs.
  16. http://break.com/index/how_to_properly_load_vista.html Pretty in depth instructions. I think he knows what hes doing.
  17. I'll agree. Opera is a good browser, although IN MY OPPINION firefox is better. I really dont want a war o' the browsers lol.
  18. Haha, I would never do that to my psp. I mean why mess with it. A. you can break it permanently. B. I don't know why people need iso's on theirs.. when psp games aren't even that much. Meh, people never give up. Same thing for modding the 360. The freaking thing is like a pc, why mod it and potentially lose 400 dollars by breaking it.
  19. Its both of them. They are both the same thing, just different speed measures. ( I guess you could call them measures )
  20. Wow, He is officially excused. I would love to do that. More than you would believe LOL.
  21. ROFL, I would be so embarassed. Especially if I walked in and said " Mom I got a tatoo, look." without telling her what it was. And then her thinking I got that on purpose. OMG my life would be over. :2funny:
  22. Couldnt have said it better myself.
  23. I had seen his website, it had alot more of his work. Ill post it up if I can find it again.
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