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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. lmfao i just found a comcast thing too "Can you throw in a free comcast tee shirt and remove the letter g from the alphabet?" ROFL
  2. You gotta be kidding me! :haha:
  3. Get this, my school makes you take typing one and typing two just to get to web design, and web design is basically the only computer class they have = S One time i saw a flyer for javascript im like YES and then i went to apply and they said no one signed up and it was canceled.
  4. Just download cable nut and make it settings TOTALLY opposite of yours so that it slows you down to nothing for a week and see what he says
  5. I dont go back until september something
  6. I did lol
  7. Cholla, there are two high hats in my room, they bulbs are 65watt phillips.
  8. High hats are the lights in my room.. they are set up in my roof and have the dimmer on them.
  9. The whole attic is very well insulated.. the only problem is the high hats in my room arent, so my dad and i figure thats where the heats getting in / or the airs getting out. so i guess ill have to tough it out for the rest of this heat wave =/
  10. Yes my room is a nice size room also.. so i was amazed that my computer could make it warmer 0_0 but thanks for the responses everyone, im off to my friends house but ill be on later = )
  11. Heres your ice cream...
  12. I envy you PHP, i cant sit on my computer in comfort lately = / Although.. my basement is warm
  13. Haha ya im on the top floor too.. i also have a tv stereo and other electronics in here.. but i dont usually run em all at once 0_o
  14. Okay so over the last week my room has been unusually hot... even with my wall fixed a/c running.. My mother thought it was my a/c and we took a window unit and put it in my room.. it has been running for over an hour now and its still just as hot as it was... there is no way that two a/c's stopped working ... a little later my mother and i were trying to figure out why in the heck my room wasnt cooling off.. she is INSISTING its my computer that is heating the room.. ( i have two) so i turn one off and its been off for a while now.. still hot.. shes still insisting its my main computer... I DONT THINK SO! what do you all think?
  15. Well, happy birthday even though its a day early = )
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you had a great day = ) /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  17. Thats very true.. i guess its how long youve gone without sleep besides for daily life? IDK lol
  18. ive gone 24 hours lol no energy drinks or soda or coffe.
  19. I have no clue what router it is. he said it wasnt working so he gave up
  20. K he says thanks.. hes gonna try it and then let me know.
  21. Ok so my friend just asked me a question about two routers. and im not too sure what the answer is. direct quote "Im trying to run a network in my room, however there is already a network presently in my home, So what i am attempting to do since i dont have two very long network cables is take one network cable from my existing network drag it upstairs, plug it into the WAN slot of my new router and run a network in my room off of it. Will it work or is that pretty much impossible?"
  22. omfg my eyes like.. fall off when i try to read that
  23. Because i just set up the network share thing.. after i was gonna buy a external
  24. Under 50??? where was this at? if thats so i would so just buy it. Nevermind thought u meant external.. ya i do have the network share to my other computer .. it has like 100 gigs total.. thats enough for now.
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