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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Thanks for the lovely comment water also i wanted ca3les permission before i linked him as a sponsor and such. Ill pm him =)
  2. I just wanted to get all of your oppinion on a site me and my frriend made. With a little help from Dlewis23 and some time i think it came out pretty nice. Its still buggy and stuff because its new but im working on most of the bugs. www.unbornlegends.com also im not too sure if im even allowed to post a website here so if im not let me know ill edit it and it can be closed. Just wanna add once again im not plugging i just want to see if you all like it =) Edit: i know the site statistics look tacky but i havent had the time to take em off.
  3. I think you can actually.. ive been told a Geek is not an insult i merely means your smart with technology computers etc.. and nerd is an insult.. means your a loser and stuff .. donno if thats true but thats what ive heart
  4. haha that was good.
  5. This is the funniest thing ive seen in a VERY long time.
  6. Is it me or is that two guys in that smiley O_O
  7. I actually totally forgot about the friends list thing.. i think i may have like 3 ppl added. *feels special to be on waters list*
  8. omg thats alot of dots lol.
  9. i solved the most of it. It still shakes every once in a while as it always did. The problem was because i changed my refresh rate earlier. Also i do have an Ac next to it.
  10. Great ill check it out, this can be very useful for parents to know whether their kids are safe or not.
  11. Okay guys, i remember my screen used to shake like crazy and for a while up until today it hasnt.. it just started doing it but now its even worse.. its just shaking left to right as if my house is ratteling *but its not lol* any ideas what i can do.. ive been told it may be the power supply inside the crt monitor or it could be something with the electricity flow to my screen. Any ideas?
  12. When i was a TOTAL noob i used to use google web accelerator and test at TMN i got like 3mbps OVER my advertised.. then i realized it was fake =/ lol
  13. HAHA!! that kid is starting a bit young isnt he -.-
  14. yeah dlewis you should tell dawn to register here!
  15. So you bought the TV tuner? or did it come with the pc? Just curious = )
  16. Hmm im not too sure u have never heard of wireless tv on a computer.. ive heard of it for the psp its a product made by sony.. idk if its compattible with comp tho.
  17. You got 9 right! Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head. XD im on my way to becomming U3ER N3RD rofl
  18. I remember when i was very new here i was looking through threads and i found one where all of the really old members were like having a quoting war like quote on quote it was pretty cool and i posted and they were all like this is from the beginning of TMN im like.. oh. lol.
  19. I like the new feel, thanks CA3LE.
  20. OMG congratz man!!! is that why you were complaining about your mother in law last night ?? jp man make the most of this day youll remember it your whole life!
  21. HAHAHA, nice ill try that once i get a job 0_0
  22. haha ya ive seen that before, funny every time though XD
  24. Gotta love that COMCASTIC Customer satisfaction!!!!
  25. lol niiice did you write those?
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