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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Nope not that i know of. I have a few friends with comcast that live by me
  2. Did already, they say it will be there soon.. that was a few weeks ago
  3. NOPE! comcast says its going to be all over the us in every state right? ya well not in my general area -.-
  4. so send the police. Im going to ride my bike tomorrow.
  5. That might just be the power boost?
  6. I dont usually watch the news so i wouldnt know unless they did something like make a law against riding a bike.
  7. i personally dont want to vote i couldnt care less
  8. OOOH thats pretty good for wireless!! how far away are you from your router?
  9. Thats very expensive. Most home users wont need that IMHO.
  10. Agreed, just experiment with different settings now that you know the 5/384 works for you. But you should be at least pulling 6 megs on your download.
  11. Actually if your getting that high of an upload you may be on the 8 meg plan from comcast. In that case try the higher file because you should be pulling at least 8000kbps download. Unless in your case you have a faster ul and less than 8 meg dl. What are your advertised speeds? i think you forgot to tell us that.
  12. Wow excelent improvement. GOOD JOB! and WELCOME to the forum, enjoy your time here.
  13. ya make sure your using the cable settings and im assuming you need the 6/384 file. so just click the file and click save when cablenut comes up. Then click done and then restart for changes to take effect as coknuck said
  14. Whats your advertisted speeds and what kind of internet do you have, ex. dsl or cable etc.
  15. Well the tweaks affect only the computer you install it on. For the settings you can use vanburens cablenut settings hold on while i get you a link. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 theres some info theres two of vanburens cablenut settings attached there i believe
  16. YA RLY!
  17. for some people haloween is all year long
  18. OMG this scared me i AVG!! by far best anti virus ive ever used.
  19. Ya get a house you homeless bum JP!
  20. lol nvm someone already said triple posted =/
  21. Im underage
  22. i never tryed the bubble gum tooth paste *goes to store and buys some*
  23. NOT ME!
  24. I didnt know it was that much of a hassle to get kids to brush their teeth. When my mom told my sister and i to brush our teeth we did. My cousins when they are told to brush their teeth they do. So imho it isnt hard. Not sure how other kids are tho.
  25. I found a problem with .AVI files in WMP 11. For some reason it comes up with no color. And when it does com up with color its like very off.
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