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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. So how many of you will go to stores on black friday and wait in hours of lines? I know i wont.
  2. Ya i used a fake email
  3. Im not too sure, it says "CONSIDER some of our special deals" on steps. That probably means "buy 2 or no xbox for you!!", but who knows dude you should try it. Im gonna. I tried it, your required to accept some offers. NTY! "Congratulations [email protected], To qualify for your Free* xBox 360 continue by fully completing any 3 of the sponsor offers listed below on this page! "
  4. lol ya makes me want to buy one too.........
  5. OMG i wanna go to camp TMN.
  6. waawaaweewa, time to go play some snes!!! :2funny: for those who dont know what waawaaweewa is, WATCH BORAT :2funny:
  7. lol, that always says a good thing about a product when the display breaks after less than a month
  8. Hmm have they been running out for the last two years... cuz it sure as hell seems like it in my case ive had a horrible connection ever since i got comcast, tons of problems etc... But a. my parents wont switch b. comcast is basically all thats in my area.
  9. He tells the truth.
  10. *hides in corner* y...y..y...yes sir
  11. LOL shug....i can picture that being you. :2funny: Nah im sure shug doesnt dress up like a native american *all other things are most likely true*
  12. never mind i mis read your original post i thought your advertised was 360, yes i would tweak that connection some to get advertised speeds. Sorry i doubted your reply tommy
  13. I agree i am not a fan of vbulletin.
  14. Happy birthday just!!!
  15. Really, thats a hobby over there... hacking. Ive talked to many turks that speak decent english from online gaming and they all say how most of the kids are hackers.
  16. And i dont believe theres a law against hacking in turkey so thats probably why they do it, no consequences and they get the enjoyment of tormenting people
  17. God dam turkish kids, i bet they are all like 12
  18. People realllly need to get lives, grow up, and stop being a%$ holes
  19. Happy birthday man, ENJOY!
  20. Hmm odd usually all you have to do is double click the greyish part. Well happy to hear you fixed it.
  21. If your talking about your x and - thing all u gotta do is click that window and it should come back.
  22. If i change my name to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i bet people would know who i am. Just a random fact
  23. ROFL nice job throwing something at the camera and NOT breaking it OMG THATS SO FUNNY! :2funny:
  24. Okay, ill read it in a few.
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